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Survey Earth in a Day 7

Yesterday we celebrated European Land Surveyors Day and a LOT of posts are coming in that we will share with you all next week in compilation.


Today is an exciting day for surveyors worldwide because it isĀ Survey Earth in a Day 7 and our 7th time measuring the entire planet in a single day as a community.Ā  For your convenience, we have added the point logger to the home page of the Land Surveyors United Mobile Rover.

Here are the instructions for Logging a Point on Survey Earth in a Day 7


Survey Legend

Tomorrow (June 21st) is the BIG DAY for Land Surveyors, worldwide.Ā  Not only is it Day 5 of International Surveyors Week, it is Survey Earth in a Day 7 and an ideal opportunity for surveyors of the world to UNITE in order to inspire the next generation and promote a better public understanding of how important land surveyors are to society and civilization.Ā  We only hold SEIAD once per year on the solstice - the longest day of the year.Ā  Collect your data at noon when the sun is the highest loca

Survey Legend

European Surveyors Day

Yesterday we celebrated Asian Surveyors Day and submissions are still coming in!

Welcome to day 4 of International Surveyors WeekĀ and EuropeanĀ Land Surveyors Day! Letā€™s ignite the profession of Land Surveying in countries of Europe by introducing yourself inside the forum of your local hub. Each group hub has a forum. Start a discussion and tell us why you love land surveying so much....share photos and videos and weā€™ll share your posts! Celebrate the Land Surveying Profession in countries of

Survey Legend

Asian Surveyors Day

Yesterday we celebrated North American Surveyors Day and submissions are still coming in!

Welcome to day 3 of International Surveyors WeekĀ and Asian Land Surveyors Day! Letā€™s ignite the profession of Land Surveying in countries of Asia by introducing yourself inside the forum of your local hub. Each group hub has a forum. Start a discussion and tell us why you love land surveying so much....share photos and videos and weā€™ll share your posts! Celebrate the Land Surveying Profession in countries

Survey Legend

north american surveyors week

Yesterday we celebrated Africa Surveyors Day and submissions are still coming in!

Welcome to day 2 of International Surveyors Week and North American Land Surveyors Day! Letā€™s ignite the profession of Land Surveying in countries and US States in North America by introducing yourself inside the forum of your local hub. Each group hub has a forum. Start a discussion and tell us why you love land surveying so much....share photos and videos and weā€™ll share your posts!

Celebrate the Lan

Survey Legend

1198870372?profile=originalWelcome to Africa Land Surveyors Day! Letā€™s ignite the profession of Land Surveying in countries of Africa by introducing yourself inside the forum of your local hub.
Each group hub has a forum. Start a discussion and tell us why you love land surveying so much....share photos and videos and weā€™ll share your posts!

Party Chief


Hi Everyone,

For years, there has been a lot of talk about 2 looming problems in the surveying profession;Ā  Age Gap and Knowledge Gap

What is being done about it?Ā 

Although these are monumentally important discussion topics, we need to do something about it rather than just talking about it.Ā  We must inspire new surveyors to enter the field.Ā  We can do this by openly sharing experiences and telling a new generation about the excitement that can be found in surveying.Ā  Ā In just 3 weeks we will


Surveying & Mapping Awareness

GeoMap Society (GEMS) established in 1990 has been conducting programmes forcreating awareness about importance of Surveying & Mapping.Ā 

On 10 April 2018, National Survey Day in India,seminar and Survey Quiz was held at JNT University Hyderabad.Ā National Survey Day is celebrated every year in India to commemorate the measurement of the first Baseline of Great Trigonometric Survey (GTS) on 10th April 1802 near Chennai, Tamilnadu

For more details, send email to Maj Siva Kiran, Secretary GEMS atĀ 


Survey Legend
Plans for Survey Field Technician Training Program at Pinellas Technical College is movingĀ full speed ahead, developing the Survey Field Technician program at Pinellas Technical College and you're invited.Ā  Our IDA-WDT (Industry Driven Approach to Workforce Development Training) gives you a seat at the table and we're interested in hearing what you have to say.Ā  Come out and tour our campus, speak with curriculum developers and much more.Ā 
Please RSVP to Mr. Rohland Bryant because our Culinary A
Survey Legend

Tired of trying to find a reliable company to order custom shirts, hats, safety vests and company gear? Here is Something New and Special for all of you Land Surveyors United members out there. We now have our own dedicated store for custom #surveyor swag! Thank you Patricks FL for all of your support on this! Visit this link to upload your logo and get a special discount for community members! They ship anywhere and turn around is quick!

Shop for Safety Vests, Boots, Shirts, Hats, Glasses, All

Survey Legend

Over the years, we have tried to make note of important milestones and markers in our community development.Ā  But as one surveyor who recently wrote in points out "It would be great if we could view all of the milestones at a glance."Ā  Well, of course you could view them all inside the about page on our Facebook Page but if you are not on facebook this would be difficult.Ā  So today I decided to collect them for us here on the network.

I would first like to say that I am so dang proud of this com

Party Chief

Enjoy 50% Off on Survey Equipment in April !

Our good friends at Superior Surveyor Services in Tampa are extending a terrific discount to Land Surveyors United Members for the month of April!Ā 

Give them a call and tell them you are a member of Land Surveyors United to receive this amazing discount!



Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm
Closed Weekends


CelebrateĀ SpringĀ with

50% OffĀ Ā 

any Network GPS Rental during
the month ofĀ 



Do you have a fea
Survey Legend

International Land Surveyors Week 2018Ā (June 17-23) is for Land SurveyorsĀ in any country on earth to celebrate the value of professional land surveyors in society.

International Surveyors Week 2018

This is our 4th year celebrating the surveying profession worldwide on this week and it is slowly changing the industry into a more open and connected situation for surveyors all around the world. Just ask yourself a couple of questions.Ā Ā Have you recently noticed all of the surveying magazines and forum websites pushing the idea

Survey Legend

The new crowdsourced International Surveying Jobs Board is unlike any other jobs board you'll come across.Ā  It regularly pulls in available jobs from other sites but it also allows members to post available jobs both on other sites as well as as a standard job posting, at no cost.

surveying jobs board

Two Ways to Add A Surveying Job to the Board

1)Ā  Log in and Visit the Bookmarklet page and click/drag the bookmarklet into your browser's bookmark bar.Ā  Then the next time you are visiting a link to a surveying job, s

Party Chief

Surveying Equipment Specials End of February

Below are a few special deals bundled for Land Surveyors United members for the end of February from our friends at Superior Surveyor Services in Tampa, Florida.Ā  Ā When you call, be sure to let Stan know that you are a member of Land Surveyors United for these specials..


813-999-8998: Office

813-512-8924: Fax




Superior Surveyor Services can now handle all of your Surveying Supplies needs as well. Just download the form and send it to them for special Land Surveyors United pricing!

Survey Legend
Do We Have any Podcasters in the community? A couple of new features we finished were integrated into the NEW SITE this weekend.
1) A new podcasting system which will allow members to upload and share surveying related radio and podcasts with the community
(leave a comment below if you are a podcaster and would like to help beta test it)...
2) A New Community Awards feature which rewards members for contributions to the community such as uploading photos and videos, helping other mem
Land Surveyor

Most of the GNSS Network RTK projects have been developed by the economical justification that an active geodetic network would reduce the cost of maintaining a traditional geodetic network where the maintenance of the benchmarks and the control survey were a significant part of the ownerĆ­s budget.


A GNSS Network RTK can also be justified where there was no geodetic network to assist the creation and the maintenance of a Spatial Data Infrastructure to support land governance and cadastre operatio

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Deward Bowles is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
8 hours ago
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Cosmic Blueprints: How Celestial Alignment Unified Prehistoric Monuments
Introduction: The Sky as an Architectā€™s Guide
Imagine standing in a vast open field thousands of years ago. There are no blueprints, no compasses, no GPS satellites hummingā€¦
dani and Frank Romano joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Land Surveyor Land Surveyor
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Guided by the Stars: How Constellations Shaped Prehistoric Surveying
Introduction: When the Night Sky Became a Map
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christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
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Introduction: The Moon as Humanityā€™s First Calendar
While the Sun provided a grand framework for the year, it was the Moon that filled in the details. Its waxing and waning, theā€¦
Jerry Lopez and Heidi Lewis joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Land Surveyor Recruiter
The surveyor hub for AFGHANISTAN LAND SURVEYOR was featured
The surveyor hub for AFGHANISTAN LAND SURVEYOR was featured