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Are You Still Seeking Employment?  Your Profile Says It All

Did You Find a Job in Surveying?

If you haven't updated your profile in a while and you have found a surveying job, great!  However, we are actively trying to match members who are Seeking Employment with employers and recruiters, so if you are no longer seeking a job, please change your profile type from Seeking Employment to Professional Land Surveyor by simply clicking here and switch the answer to your question "I am here because I am a..."


For Those Who Are Still Seeking Employment

If you are looking for a position in Land Surveying, things are getting a bit simpler for you inside the community.  All of the tools and resources have been gathered here for you in a single page for those seeking employment.  Visit that page to Create a Resume which goes straight to recruiters.   See the latest available Surveying Jobs.   Or if you are in the United States, simply upload and share your resume directly to our resume pool.

Upload Your Surveying Resume

Upload your Resume to CV Pool

Getting The Attention of Employers

After uploading your resume, you can draw attention of recruiters and employers to your profile by showing that you know what you are doing and that you have experience in surveying. The best way to do that is to upload relevant surveying photos, surveying videos and participate in discussions. Be sure to also join your local chapter hub and introduce yourself. All of this will be reflected in your profile when employers go to see how much experience you have.

Find a surveying job takes work, but if you use the community in the way it was intended the surveying jobs will actually start coming to you.

Are you an employer with Open Positions?

Tell us here and we will match you with Qualified Land Surveyors.

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