Land Surveying Business startup


I am interested in possibly starting up my own private land surveying business. I was just looking for some information and/or tips from some people that have done this and been through it themselves. With the amount of money needed to get into the business, i would hate to start off wrong. Some questions i would have are:

How much money would I be looking at to buy all the equipment and to get my business going?

How do I begin to determine what a person should charge when running a business to make a profit and cover the bills that go along with the business?

What all equipment would a person have to have to be effective and competitive in this business?

Any information would be appreciated!!



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  • Seeking Employment

    How did it go ?

  • Land Surveyor

    Colby, It's a good thing you don't plan on being rich because if that were the case you are in the wrong profession.  But don't sell yourself short in the process of not wanting wealth.  If you prepare yourself (mentally) for any sort of failure in business, you will not be disappointed, but if you are prepared to fail, occasionally, in the name of realization of ideas, you may find yourself among some of the best entrepreneurs in your industry or profession.  After the exams are over and the credentials earned, it is back into the school of "hard knocks" once again.  I see that you are not trying to fail and not failing to try.  Keep that mindset even in the face of small failures which you will surely encounter along your professional path to success.  You may not measure success the same as the next guy, but others may.  At one time I was the poorest land surveyor I know, and likewise at another time I was the richest.  Money comes and money goes, but do set your goals high and prepare for some disappointment and let it not break your stride or guide the winds from your sails.  It's easy to hold the helm in calm waters.  It takes a person of great inner strength to start up a business.  It appears that you possess that.  Good luck and don't take any wooden nickels.  

  • Thanks Keith. I dont plan on getting rich and that isnt my desire. I just want to be able to work for myself and make a decent living and be able to pay for my business loans ect.

  • In order to successfully price your surveys, you must know your competition. What market you will be in, such as title surveys. Call around to some of your competitors to see what they are charging for the same service. I have had many of those "just pricing" calls over the years and there is nothing wrong with it. When you have no idea where to start, they are your best bet to get a feel of what the market is doing in your area. Choose a few companies that are reputable and not considered a fly by night. Then decide what price is best for you. Take in consideration your operating cost and percentage of profit you would like to see out of each survey. Look at other companies websites. Some do post a generic price sheet on their services. Don't be afraid to be bold in how you find out information.

  • I have been taught only AutoCAD so I am probably in the same position as you on that Keith. Renting a unit has never crossed my mind until you mentioned it. That seems like the way to go until the business can get up and going good. The hardest part that I think I will have is getting work at first. Also, deciding how to go about charging and how much I need to charge to make a profit. You guys have given me very good ideas and tips that I would have not thought of myself and I really do appreciate it. Thanks!

  • Land Surveyor

    Keith, I'm glad you said it. Rent, or rent-to-own, are very good options and in my experience the first GPS system in any company I have worked for has been on a rent-to- own contract.  You will probably get the best customer service and technical support this way because the company really, really, really wants you to buy it.  Then you become loyal to the brand and future upgrades or promotions put you in their pocket.  This benefits both the user (you) and the vendor and the manufacturer in almost perfect harmony until the warranty on the equipment ends or there is no support available for the equipment, unless you are lucky enough (as you are) to be a member of Land Surveyors United, where we as a worldwide group of users have similar problems with older equipment and get answers on repairs, technical difficulties, etc., on equipment or software that is no longer supported by a manufacturer.  

  • Colby, you can always decide to rent a GPS unit if you land a job that is too big to handle with a robot. Once you set up your control and gather any other information with the GPS that is easily accessible, turn it back in and finish out with the robot. Just factor the cost into your proposal. My company owns a GPS unit now, but I have done the rental deal in the past, it is a viable option.

    The best drafting software for me is AutoCAD only because this is what I've "grown up" with in this profession. I have also used TraversePC and do like what it brings to the table, but it is difficult to remove yourself from the ACAD mindset and I just wind up getting frustrated not being able to navigate through it fast enough. The cost, however, is significantly different. ACAD is absolutely out of their minds charging something like $7500 a seat for Civil3D, don't quote me on that, and TraversePC runs at most $2000 for the full blown version and always are running sales for 1/2 price and it does everything ACAD can do.

    I am not in the ownership role at this present time, but I run a surveying department for a small firm that has decreased in size from 3 crews and a full office staff, to just myself, a civil engineer, and a secretary. By being a one man gang, the most important advice that I can give to you is to allot time to market yourself whether it be by social media or door to door, so to speak, etc. You will need avenues to get your name out there then, like Deward posted earlier, let your work speak for itself. 

  • Scott, I am not sure what my business model would be yet. I am gathering information and opinions on how to start it up and build from there. I would like to do property surveys and creating topographic maps. Things of that nature. I would probably be a mix of rural and urban work. I am not sure how to start and what I would have to purchase to get going... it is a few months away yet and so I'm just trying to do my research now.
  • Land Surveyor

    Colby, the absolute necessity of a GPS system depends on your market.  Will you be surveying exclusively in an urban environment on small tracts of land where tall buildings and traffic can actually impede GPS by blocking satellites and introducing a large amount of multi-path interference?  Then maybe you could get along without a GPS system for long enough to build your operating capital up enough to more easily afford one.  However, if you plan on working in almost any other market, it is my opinion that you will need the GPS system to be competitive, since it is a real time saver.  What will your business model include as far as a targeted market?

  • Thanks for your information Scott!

    Thats what I would plan on doing is starting off on my own and going from there. What else do you think I would need besides a Robotic total station and GPS? What kind of computer softwares would you recommend? Do I absolutely need a GPS or could I get by with just a robotic total station? I am still in school and graduate in May but am exploring my options and do plan to start a business at some point rather its sooner or later. What would your opinion be on start up costs for a single man (myself) business?

    Thanks for everyones opinions and information!

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