Community Announcements (45)

Survey Legend
Today we are introducing the first part of a massive community update for the complete reboot of Land Surveyors United Community. In this post I will introduce you to two new maps which will help us better and more effectively unite our geospatial community.
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Not a Surveyor

Hey Gang,

Wanted to start by wishing a Happy Suveyors Week to all of our hard working members out there here in the States and around the Globe. 

I have been working behind the scenes with Land Surveyors United for several years now and we have decided it is time for me to emerge from behind the curtain and start being a more active part of the site.  I look forward to getting to know you all in some way and am really excited about trying to share some content and bounce ideas off of all of you

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Survey Legend

Facebook May Be a Ticking Time Bomb for Land Surveyors

With everything that is happening with the big tech giants this week, a lot of people are thinking about the sustainability of platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.  Quite a few that I have talked with are concerned not only with the future of their own personal data but also the questionable practices being used to monetize each and every aspect of our lives.  I just wanted to share with you just one conversation that I had today

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Party Chief
Breadcrumb Navigation throughout the community, making it simpler to navigate and  find your way back to where you started. Examples: Jobs,   Forums , Toolkits  , Articles Your Member Profile is much more organized and you'll find it much simpler to quickly add content to the community.  You'll also see that you can quickly find jobs, equipment deals and navigate to resources easier through your profile. New dedicated pages for those who are Seeking Employment and for those who are Now Hiring
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Survey Legend
For Those Who Are Still Seeking Employment If you are looking for a position in Land Surveying, things are getting a bit simpler for you inside the community.  All of the tools and resources have been gathered here for you in a single page for those seeking employment.  Visit that page to Create a Resume which goes straight to recruiters.   See the latest available Surveying Jobs.   Or if you are in the United States, simply upload and share your resume directly to our resume pool.
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Survey Legend
Mentorship for Land Surveyors United Members Because the public knows more about Bigfoot than they do about Land Surveyors... Our Mentorship Hub has been completely redesigned and we even threw in an explanation for why we are using Bigfoot as our Mentorship Guides... A BIG Thank you goes out to those who have been helping spot bugs and work out the kinks...  The apps have been updated and fixed with a new onboarding process which helps everyone know where everyone else is coming from...
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Survey Legend
At the moment, we only need you to do 2 simple things: 1) Make sure you have Joined/Followed the Hub for your Country or State - find them here               If you search Hubs and find that your country does not have a Hub, please send me a message. 2) RSVP for the day of the week that cooresponds with your Geography - Full List Here
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Survey Legend
During this time of great universal confusion, Land Surveyors United Community is always here for you.  Nevertheless, we come to you today to ask for your help. Tomorrow Night we will be hosting a Geoholics Anonymous Live Stream on the Covid-19 page ***Bonus Announcement from Topcon Positioning Topcon Offers Library of eLearning Courses 100% Free
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Survey Legend
With so much going on in the world right now regarding COVID-19, it is difficult to celebrate National Surveyors Week in the ways that are so needed.  The public needs education and awareness.  Surveyors need education and training and more importantly, each other.  In the United States, this week is undoubtedly National Surveyors Week, but it sure doesn't seem like it.  Let's see what we can do to turn this around for the better.
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Summary: Surveyors have been working with the elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics, engineering, metrology, programming languages, and the law. These work require software that offers unique strengths that will make data collection on land survey jobs easier and more efficient for land surveyors and other professionals.

Surveying has been an element in development since the beginning of recorded history. Most forms of construction require it. It is used in transport, c

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christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Landmarks of Time: Case Studies in Prehistoric Surveying from Nabta Playa to Newgrange
I. Introduction: Where the Earth Holds Memory
There’s something profound about standing before an ancient monument—a stone circle weathered by millennia, a…
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Where Wood Meets Rock: The Combined Power of Sticks and Stones in Prehistoric Surveying
I. Introduction: The Temporary and the Eternal
If you’ve ever walked past a construction site, you’ve probably noticed small, brightly colored flags fluttering…
Thomas Anastassios Rozakis updated their profile
Omojowogbe Olawole Anthony and Thomas Anastassios Rozakis joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Student Surveyor Land Surveyor
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Stone by Stone: The Enduring Legacy of Megalithic Survey Markers
I. Introduction: When a Stone Became a Story
There’s something timeless about a stone. Unlike wood, it doesn’t rot. Unlike metal, it doesn’t rust. It just… stays. Through storms,…
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Sticks in the Ground: How Early Surveyors Aligned the Ancient World
I. Introduction: The Stick That Drew the First Line
Imagine standing in an open field at dawn. The sun rises slowly, casting long shadows that stretch across the earth. You have no…
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Measured by Nature: The Role of Sticks and Stones in Prehistoric Surveying
I. Introduction: Nature as Humanity’s First Measuring Tool
Long before the development of formal surveying instruments, humanity’s understanding of space, distance, and…
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Threads of Time: The Lasting Legacy of Rope-Based Surveying in Civilization
The Invisible Lines That Shaped Civilization
Imagine a thread—simple, fragile, easily frayed. Now imagine that thread stretching across millennia, woven into the very fabric…
Feb 6