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Land Surveyors United Community

You are ESSENTIAL!  During this time of great universal confusion, Land Surveyors United Community is always here for you.  Nevertheless, we come to you today to ask for your help.

The financial sustainability of the community is undergoing a massive overhaul (as you may have read in the Roadmap) but as the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, we need some help paying the bills associated with keeping our grassroots community alive and pushing forward into the future.   Our goal is to have all of our paperwork and details worked out for our new organization we are assembling by summer - however, all of that has been temporarily stalled with everything going on.  We cannot allow this community to become a casualty of this virus. 

We do not necessarily want to blanket the site with advertisements.  We do not want to have to start charging everyone for access and membership because some simply cannot afford it, but I (Justin) personally cannot afford to keep it all afloat without your help.  So what we have for you is 3 ways for you to help in a way that ultimately will help you.

First Way to Help Community as a Member

Donate to the Community "Member Dues" on Honor System $15/year

Donate in any amount you can afford

Second Way to Help Community for Vendors

If you are a Vendor who sells products we will set up a Marketplace Hub for you and discuss a fair monthly rent to completely control your brand and sell products inside the community.

Visit Vendor Marketplace Presentation

Request a Vendor Hub to be set up for your company

*  You also now get a dedicated mobile app for managing your hub!

Third Way to Help Community

If you cannot afford to contribute financially, help us by becoming more involved and assist with recruiting more surveyors to your Location Based Hubs.  Follow the hub for your location if you haven't already and share relevant surveying photos, videos and post local land surveying news for other surveyors in your area.  Invite other surveyors in your crew to follow and become active inside your location based hub.  You can also Become a SURVambassador for your area of the world.   Inside the Mobile Apps for Surveyors Page you can find several apps which make it easier to stay connected to your local hub on Land Surveyors United.


Tomorrow Night we will be hosting a Geoholics Anonymous Live Stream on the Covid-19 page

Guests for the Live Discussion:

  • Kent Groh, LS - Host of The Geoholics, President of the United Surveyors of Arizona and Geomatics Associate at Stantec.
  • Justin Farrow – Developer, facilitator and manager of the Land Surveyors United community of over 17K surveyors from around the world.
  • Gavin Schrock – Editor of xyHt
  • Michael Thompson, LS – Chair of Professional Surveyors Canada and President and General Manager at Halma Thompson Land Surveys Ltd.
  • Ryan Swingley, LS – President of the Indiana Society of Professional Surveyors, Adjunct Professor at Vincennes Univ and Geospatial Manager – Midwest for ESP
  • Denver Winchester, LS – President of the FIG/Young Surveyors group and Vice President of Surveying at Crafton Tull
  • James Combs, LS - VP of the FIG/National Young Surveyors group and Geomatics Technical Service Director for Souder Miller and Associates

Topics of Discussion:

  • Discuss what each of us is seeing as it pertains to how COVID19 is affecting the land surveying profession within their individual networks.
  • Discuss how this situation differs from what happen after 9/11 and the economic crash of 2008.
  • Discuss if there is any assistance available for displaced surveyors.
  • Discuss how this may affect the future of the profession and anything that can be done proactively to minimize the damage.


Stay vigilant and safe out there.   Remember this:  Whether or not your government recognizes it, you are essential.   This will all pass eventually and when it does, we are hoping to have strengthened the surveying community on the grassroots level.  

***Bonus Announcement from Topcon Positioning

Topcon Offers Library of eLearning Courses 100% Free

Be Well,


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Justin Farrow - Creator of Land Surveyors United

You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Survey Earth to add thoughts!

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