Land Surveyor

IPHONE Apps for Land Surveyors

DID I see that some one in the LSU community had an IPHONE App. that was measurement related such as an EDM or it do survey method calculations instead?


The new Land Surveyors United app for iPhone is finally ready for download for free on the iTunes App Store. Enjoy mobile support for land surveying from anywhere using the new and improved interface, connecting you with groups, forums, latest activity, photos and videos. Download Now
NOTE: We will soon be releasing the Android version of LSU Mobile within the next few weeks.  We will continue to always support the original Land Surveyors United Mobile in the meantime.

iPhone Screenshot 1
iPhone Screenshot 2
iPhone Screenshot 3
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  • Survey Legend

    New Iphone and Android Apps coming soon for Land Surveyors United Community!

  • I use "iDraw" to do all my field notes. I've set up templetes for differant size papers and scales. Works very well! I have been I contact with the developer and hopefully some really nice upgrades should be coming.
  • I am working on one for Droid and when its complete (Complete as going into version 2.X) I will be planning on a port to Iphone. So dont lose hope.. But if you want it sooner the Droid version should be out this late spring..

  • GEO Ambassador
    the new Land Surveyors United app for iPhone is now available for free download here:

    coming soon for android!
  • I just downloaded "Theodolite" also, it looks pretty cool.  Going to give it a try today in the field.

    Has anyone heard of or is anyone considering writing an app for the iphone that would help with Level Circuite's? I created an excel file that does the calculating and put it on my iPhone, but I have allot of ideas of how a simple app could be created for doing Levels.

    Feel free to contact me if you are interested in collaborating.

  • Party Chief
    Just ran across a nice post on Surveying Mapping and Gis blog. There are also some great apps on Apptism for land surveying.


    including a free app called the Theodolite
    iPhone Madness
    Yesterday, I was offered an iPhone, out of the blue. Yea, it's really cool, has an incredible interface, is power-packed with features, and ...
  • I downloaded the "Theodolite" app which is pretty cool. Also, ESRI just came out with their app for GIS.
  • make program in excel and open it with your iphone... God bless
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