Surveyors Seeking Jobs Directory

Current Surveyors Seeking Employment

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Surveyor Resume Pool

Are You Having Luck Finding Employment in Surveying?

Are you sure you want a Job in Land Surveying?  Prove it

Land Surveyors Seeking EmploymentIt is no secret that one of Land Sureyors United Community's primary missions is to help Land Surveyors Seeking Employment find surveying jobs. In fact, we help between 300-400 land surveyors become gainfully employed every year!  Since 2010 we have had the most active Surveying Jobs Board and the only International Surveying jobs board online.    We have dedicated Employment Hubs for asking questions and finding employment locally.  However, we cannot do ALL of the work for you. 

How to Get a Surveying Job

  • It is up to you to Upload a Resume into your profile (video How-to) and to set your "I am here because I am ..."  question in your profile to "Seeking Employment" to show up here.
  • It is up to you to prove that you are qualified to work as a land surveyor.  You do this by sharing and describing Surveying Photos and Videos to the community which in turn show up in your profile.  Ask smart questions.  Share knowledge about surveying inside your local hubStay connected with the community and help others.
  • It is up to you to make sure your member profile is professional and your contact information for recruiters and employers is up to date.
  • It is up to you to film a short Video Resume and upload it into the special place on the site where recruiters can find it.
  • It is up to you to get the job.....we make it simpler for you to do so.   If you are not doing the things above, you either do not want a job or you are too lazy to do what it takes to get the job you want.  It is as simple as that.
  • Following us on Twitter @landsurveyorsU and Surveying Jobs on Facebook is just two of the ways to have jobs passively come your way.

It is up to you!

Below are a few examples of how not to get a jobs in surveying.