Résumé Review is a group for land surveyors to both share and review surveying related résumés and cover letters. This group will save land surveyors time and money.
Your Social Identity May Be What Is Holding You Back
Why Aren't They Calling Me Back?When you are searching for work, the first thing employers are bound to stumble upon is your virtual self, aka. your social identity online. Of course, your Land Surveyors United profile can help you out tremendously when looking for a job in surveying, but what about your other profiles such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter? In other words, are you concerned about items you may have posted in the past which have little to nothing to do with your work life?…
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hey friends
i want make my resume but i am dent have a good patron any body give me a good patron please
mail me at my id
[email protected]