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Find Support From Your Fellow Surveyors with Surveying Equipment Problems
Are you having problems getting your survey equipment manufacturer to call or write you back with a solution?
Have you become frustrated with the lack of technical support offered by your survey equipment manufacturer?
Are you simply looking for a solution to what seems to be a common problem with your equipment?
You've come to the right place! Land Surveyors United Hubs are geared for just this sort of thing!
Choose A Group Based On Your Equipment Type
This page serves as a guide for finding the appropriate group to ask a surveying equipment related support question. By finding the correct group, you will also be finding other land surveyors on the network who use the same type of equipment you are. Chances are, your best technical support is a fellow land surveyor. When you choose the group based on the type of equipment you are having trouble with, simply JOIN the group then START A NEW DISCUSSIONrelated to the issues you are experiencing.
You Can Also Submit Tips and Support Guides
Not everyone on this network is here because they are in trouble with their equipment. In fact we have hundreds of land surveying experts within our network. If you are one of those experts, your fellow land surveyors may need your advice one day. If you can remember the last time you had a problem with a surveying instrument, try to recall what you did to fix it. By providing a solution to a problem that you anticipate other surveyors running into in their work, why not write a quick discussion topic demonstrating the steps you took in solving your problem. If you think other surveyors out there may run into a similar problem, go ahead and layout the solution for them in advance. When they find your solution in search, you will have a friend and ally for life!
- Sokkia Support
- Trimble Support
- Topcon Support
- Navcom Support
- Altus Positioning
- Ashtech Magellan
- Nikon Support
- Juniper Systems Support
- Microsurvey Support
- Handheld Support
- Traverse PC Support
- Magellan Support
- Spectra Precision Support
- TDS Support
- Carlson Support
Tips for Support Success
Tips For Success in Finding Support
Its simple to find the exact solution to your problem with surveying equipmentif you keep in mind a few of these simple tips:
1)When asking your question to the group, give a DESCRIPTIVE TITLE to your post and include as much detail as possible in your question. Include photos if you have them and be sure to SPELL THE EXACT MODEL AND MAKE of your equipment out, so that your question shows up in search.
2) We have thousands of Surveying equipment and software manuals floating around the Land Surveyors United network. First run a search for the manual you are looking for. if you do not find it, send us an equipment manual requestand we'll try to dig it up for you.
3) Run a search on both Land Surveyors United Video Library and Youtube Surveying Videos for a possible solution to your problem. If you find a video related to your issue, simply embed it into the networkwith 2 clicks and tell other surveyors how you fixed your problem.
4)When uploading any photos or videos to the network, be sure to remember giving them proper TITLES and Descriptions-and most importantly, SUBJECT TAGS. This will ensure that other members on the network will be able to find your content when they search for related topics.
Finding Equipment Related Content
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Community Hubs for Equipment Support
Jobsite Technologies
Arcengine Technologies LLC
ChrisNik, Inc.
Survey Supply, Inc.
Tiger Supplies
E-Survey GNSS
Global GIS
Tersus GNSS Inc.
Drone Surveying
H P 41 C, CV,CX +RPN Group
Funds For Equipment
Post Processing Gurus
Surveyor Classifieds
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