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Follow HP Prime 50G Calculators

Hi Everyone, And Hi to all you HP users and those who would like to be. New and old a like, some of you have used the 50g for a good many years,and it is widely used in the survey world today, and uses RPL language. The HP Prime is just starting out and it's new HPPP or HPPPL language,and is the new kid on the block. You will not find very much software for it yet in surveying, so can it help you survey??? Sure,cannot live in the past must go on to the future. So met the HP Prime the Time Machine. And we will alsoĀ  embrace the 50 G and at times compare them The Hp Prime is one of a kind and may be the most advance calculator in the world.And help add to the knowledge of this group.There is a lot of things you may or may not know about this calculator or the 50 G.

8 Surveyors Using HP 50 Calculators
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HP PRIME,Step 2, Into the Time Machine

Hp prime,Step 2, Into the Time MachineHi Everyone,Step into the Future first ,then we will step back into the Past with this calculator.Like i have already said ,this is not just a calculator,Like you have used in the past,because this one will put you in the future,then take you back into the past because of it programming , the HP PP language.So set back and read how we can do this. The HP Prime is a graphing calculator manufactured by Hewlett-Packard (HP). It contains features common inā€¦

18 Replies · Reply by Justin Farrow Apr 20, 2019

First Steps,Can i help you survey?,I can, I am HP Prime

Ā Hi Everyone,Some of you know what the hp Prime is , some of you do not. For those let me introduce you to this calculator. First it is not just a calculator, It is a touch screen graphing with apps with CAS computeralgebra system with a numeric home screen that will switch between the two.It is also wireless and hastextbook, algebraic and 128-level RPN (aka Advanced RPN) entry logic. It also has a EXAM mode for test.Ā Programming is not compatible with user RPL or system RPL language, Insteadā€¦

70 Replies

HP 50G

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  • Thank you,Raymond and Justin for joining , my group,Hope to go over a lot calculator Talk, in the near future.

  • Thank you, Survenator for joining , always good to have your support.


  • Hi Everyone, In the following days, WE will get the ball rolling on this Group there is a lot of things to talk about on these two calculators and a huge amount of information on both of them .Some of us still use calculatorsĀ  and will let the world know it.And the HP Prime as of yet is not much excepted into our world will one day shine. It can take you into the past as well as the future.So come aloneĀ  as we step into the Time Machine.

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