Ā The purpose of this Group is for members
who have use these 3 calculators. Ā Also for Emulators, and what these calculators still offer for today. Also to collect programs and discuss operations of these calculators. And to help new users.I also added all RPN Calculators for those who have different RPN calculators or emulators and even those who have None HP calculators that are being made today that are RPN.
Ā You can still buy this calculator, they are not cheap. I for one do not think RPN is dead,Hp is still making the HP 35s as far as a scientific calculators goes and how do you get any better than it for the NCEES test. SwissMicros inc. makes Ā Hp calculators clones in RPN and they are very good product. They may not like to call them that because this is not a HP calculator. But the DM41L is a clone of the 41 CX Ā And the DM41, this is the smaller version. The HP Prime can be programed in macro RPN, So lets keep the HP 41's where it belongs.In our hands.
I wish HP still made one or a newer version,
something like it.