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Land Surveyor

How wide is a property line?

property line widthHow wide is a property line?  You may be asking yourself "Did he say that out loud"?  Well, Yes I did.  And here are the potential reasons why; see which one you can identify most with, then think about your own reason and add to the list.  I will list the first three (3) and you provide the rest.  First comment should be begin with the number four (4).


  1. It has no width.  It is an abstract line;
  2. It is as wide as the corner markers are;
  3. It's as wide as you and your neighbor agree that it is.
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Survey Legend
Land Surveyors discuss best total stations equipment to use for surveying

Best Total stations DiscussionWanna see the type of surveying equipment your fellow land surveyors are using around the world?  More specifically... would you like to know what kind of Total Stations everyone is using?  Take a look at the comments on the following thread for some very valuable insight from all corners of the earth.

We asked:

What is the best total station you used in the field up to now ? And why ? 
Please explain in few sentences from your experience

Click on the ^ Comments

Feel free to comment belo
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GEO Ambassador

Land Surveying is TimelessLand Surveying is Timeless:

Shared Experience is Education for those new to the field. There are no shortages on complaints around the internet about newbies relying too much on tech. However, the veteran land surveyors are just now- for the first time in history- sharing and documenting their expertise from the field. Students and new surveyors simply have never been exposed to the methods and approaches to land surveying rooted in history. If you think you have nothing to contribute, consider

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Survey Legend
For Those Who Are Still Seeking Employment If you are looking for a position in Land Surveying, things are getting a bit simpler for you inside the community.  All of the tools and resources have been gathered here for you in a single page for those seeking employment.  Visit that page to Create a Resume which goes straight to recruiters.   See the latest available Surveying Jobs.   Or if you are in the United States, simply upload and share your resume directly to our resume pool.
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Summary: Surveyors have been working with the elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics, engineering, metrology, programming languages, and the law. These work require software that offers unique strengths that will make data collection on land survey jobs easier and more efficient for land surveyors and other professionals.

Surveying has been an element in development since the beginning of recorded history. Most forms of construction require it. It is used in transport, c

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Saved by the Robot

Saved by a Robot at the ParkIt was a noisy balmy day at the Hudson Riverside State Park. As renovations on an existing road was laid out by my partner and I. A crowded work site as everything in NYC is. However we managed to get in do the work as the ground under our feet shook as the excavation began. We took our Trimble S6 Robot and set it up to begin our layout. My Partner (Veteran Surveyor/Marine Sergeant)took his 16 plus years of experience and laid out the equipment. Only to realize that t
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The first part of this series we looked at what a Surveyor is, and does.  This article will look at what a Land Survey is, and will briefly look at the history what is called the Public Land Survey System or PLSS which is the basis of most non-colonial surveying.  This article will by no means be exhaustive--but will be longer than my normal posts.  The story you are about to read is true, only the names have been changed to protect the innocent...

The Public Land Survey System or Rectangular Sur

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Land Surveyor article entitled, "Why Trying to Be Perfect Won't Help You Achieve Your Goals (And What Will)".   So I am now trying living by John C. Maxwell's quote, "Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward"...In these times, it is important to connect, innovate, hustle, adapt, and motivate.  That is, we need to lift ourselves and those around us up and strive for a better future...If you have any questions or leads, feel free to reach out!
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Survey Legend
At the moment, we only need you to do 2 simple things: 1) Make sure you have Joined/Followed the Hub for your Country or State - find them here               If you search Hubs and find that your country does not have a Hub, please send me a message. 2) RSVP for the day of the week that cooresponds with your Geography - Full List Here
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Labrador Survey Photos


During the past decade I have been fortunate enough to travel all over North America and one of my recent survey work related trips brought me to Labrador for the first time.The survey took place in various places throughout the Mealy Mountains and surrounding coastal areas,

Mealy Mountains located in the southern portion of Labrador, is situated south of Lake Melville, north of Sandwich Bay and borders the Labrador Sea. The mountain range encompass over 26 thousand square kilometers of forests,

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Survey Legend
During this time of great universal confusion, Land Surveyors United Community is always here for you.  Nevertheless, we come to you today to ask for your help. Tomorrow Night we will be hosting a Geoholics Anonymous Live Stream on the Covid-19 page ***Bonus Announcement from Topcon Positioning Topcon Offers Library of eLearning Courses 100% Free
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surveyors in the bibleExamples of Land Surveyors in The Bible by William D. Hatfield

The Bible has always been a reliable source for the history of the Jewish people. This historic account encompasses many esoteric and otherworldly encounters, but what is often overlooked is the overwhelming accounts of the day to day life, as well as, the professions of the common people. Seeing as how I work in the land surveying profession I decided to do some research into examples of the land surveying profession in the Bible.
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Survey Legend
With so much going on in the world right now regarding COVID-19, it is difficult to celebrate National Surveyors Week in the ways that are so needed.  The public needs education and awareness.  Surveyors need education and training and more importantly, each other.  In the United States, this week is undoubtedly National Surveyors Week, but it sure doesn't seem like it.  Let's see what we can do to turn this around for the better.
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1198859239?profile=originalHave you ever wondered why there are no movies about land surveying?

Think about it, we are constantly in the field, sometimes in unexplored areas, by definition we are the first ones in preparing the ground for everyone else, once the map of the area is ready.

We are constantly encountering dangers related to the places we work, be the jungle, the highway or the overpass.

When I saw the Indiana Jones' movies I could not imagine a more boring profession than archeology. These guys spend their lives

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Land Surveyor

In this excel file I have used some excel formula to draw the centerline chainage of an alignment in Road , Railway or tunnel project.

Here is the file Chainage Plotting.xlsx

The chainages will be drawn instantly with the help of excel and AutoCAD.

You can make your alignment chainage very accurately with the help of our Excel sheet without typeing a single one by yourself.

You just have to paste your coordinates into the given columns and you need to put the chainage interval in the respective colu

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Views: 1251
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Survey Legend
As a community of land surveyors, we have a lot to be thankful for.    Our Look Back at 2019 says a lot.   You will also find some cool tools on the Backsight 2019 page, including a brand new Member Heat Map/People Directory. Take a look at the presentation I put together for all of you.   This community and your membership means a lot to me.  
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Multiple pages were filled with calculations and important drafting details in the architectural field. After CAD technology has been invented, Architectural CAD drafting technology has improved by leaps and bounds where bigger work systems replaced the smaller ones. 

The architecture, engineering and construction industry has a big influence from the digital drafting technology and has brought amazing results in the architectural drafting industry.  The constant demand in the architectural world

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