Land Surveying History (29)

Not a Surveyor

Mapping the Future: Land Surveying and Mapping the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 195612670080056?profile=RESIZE_710x

On June 26, 1956, the United States Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act, marking a monumental moment in American history. This legislation allocated more than $30 billion for the construction of approximately 41,000 miles of interstate highways, heralding the largest public construction project the nation had ever undertaken. The Act's passage was not only a significant leap in infrastructure development b

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Not a Surveyor

The Role of Land Surveying and Map Making at the Battle of Waterloo12664128490?profile=RESIZE_180x180

The Battle of Waterloo, fought on June 18, 1815, is one of the most studied military engagements in history. It was not merely a clash of armies but a showdown of strategic wit and geographical mastery. At Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte faced off against the Duke of Wellington, whose superior use of land surveying and map-making techniques played a decisive role in shaping the outcome of this pivotal battle. This engagement marked

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Not a Surveyor

The Crucial Role of Land Surveying in the Allied Landings at Normandy and Formation of a Unified Front12643865268?profile=RESIZE_180x180

On June 6, 1944, a date now etched in the annals of history as D-Day, the Allies launched one of the most ambitious military operations ever conceived. The Normandy landings involved a massive coordination of sea, air, and land forces, all converging on the French coast to begin the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi control. Central to the planning and execution of this colossal operation

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Not a Surveyor

Building the Brooklyn Bridge: Bridging Cities and Innovating Surveying Practices12557066484?profile=RESIZE_710x

On May 24, 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge gracefully arched over the East River to connect Manhattan and Brooklyn, forever transforming the urban landscape of New York City. Celebrated as an engineering marvel, the Brooklyn Bridge stood as the largest suspension bridge of its era. It not only connected two bustling boroughs but also symbolized the union of traditional craftsmanship and emergent technologies of the late 1

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Not a Surveyor

John Adams Relocates Federal Government to Washington 


On May 15, 1800, President John Adams issued a significant directive that would forever alter the landscape of American governance—ordering the federal government to relocate from its provisional capital in Philadelphia to the newly established seat of power in Washington, D.C. This move was much more than a mere logistical shift; it was a monumental undertaking that would require meticulous planning, unprecedented coordination, and a deep

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Survey Legend
As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more prevalent in various industries. However, the field of land surveying seems to be an exception in the AI world. Despite the crucial role that land surveyors play in the development and maintenance of our communities, AI seems to lack an understanding of what a land surveyor actually is.
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Party Chief
Breadcrumb Navigation throughout the community, making it simpler to navigate and  find your way back to where you started. Examples: Jobs,   Forums , Toolkits  , Articles Your Member Profile is much more organized and you'll find it much simpler to quickly add content to the community.  You'll also see that you can quickly find jobs, equipment deals and navigate to resources easier through your profile. New dedicated pages for those who are Seeking Employment and for those who are Now Hiring
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Survey Legend
Mentorship for Land Surveyors United Members Because the public knows more about Bigfoot than they do about Land Surveyors... Our Mentorship Hub has been completely redesigned and we even threw in an explanation for why we are using Bigfoot as our Mentorship Guides... A BIG Thank you goes out to those who have been helping spot bugs and work out the kinks...  The apps have been updated and fixed with a new onboarding process which helps everyone know where everyone else is coming from...
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Land Surveyor
Archaeological Surveys | As-built | Coastal Surveys | Consulting Services (Geomatics) | Close-range Photogrammetry | Data Validation | Drainage & Utilities Surveys DWG & DGN Files | Earthworks & Volumetric Surveys | Engineering Surveys | Expert Witness Services | Gauging & Clearance Surveys | Geotechnical & Borehole Surveys GENIO Files | GPS Surveys | GPR Surveys | Level Surveys | Ground Modelling & Visualisation | Heritage Surveys | Road & Highway Surveys | 2D Floor Plans & Elevations Land Cond
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Survey Legend
During this time of great universal confusion, Land Surveyors United Community is always here for you.  Nevertheless, we come to you today to ask for your help. Tomorrow Night we will be hosting a Geoholics Anonymous Live Stream on the Covid-19 page ***Bonus Announcement from Topcon Positioning Topcon Offers Library of eLearning Courses 100% Free
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Survey Legend
With so much going on in the world right now regarding COVID-19, it is difficult to celebrate National Surveyors Week in the ways that are so needed.  The public needs education and awareness.  Surveyors need education and training and more importantly, each other.  In the United States, this week is undoubtedly National Surveyors Week, but it sure doesn't seem like it.  Let's see what we can do to turn this around for the better.
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Summary: Surveyors have been working with the elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics, engineering, metrology, programming languages, and the law. These work require software that offers unique strengths that will make data collection on land survey jobs easier and more efficient for land surveyors and other professionals.

Surveying has been an element in development since the beginning of recorded history. Most forms of construction require it. It is used in transport, c

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Survey Legend
We've updated the directory of Land Surveyor Hubs inside the community. All community Hub have a dedicated Forum, Photos, Videos, Blogs and more. Asking questions or sharing tips inside a hub is a more targeted way of receiving feedback and finding help....or sharing your tips and tricks with the community.
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Party Chief

Introducing The United States of America Land Surveyors Support Groups


Its been a long and interesting process, but I finally managed to get all 50 state-based social support groups up for the United States of America. The idea here is to create a place for every surveyor in the United States (and eventually the globe) to go and have all of their state based information all in one place-including the most up to date documents and events from their state board. And because state board websites

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Survey Legend
Our Worldwide Virtual Surveyor Conference is already half way finished and Tomorrow (Thurday) will be South American Land Surveyors Day and the 5th day of International Surveyors Week 2019.   Please use the app to share photos and videos of Land Surveying in South American countries inside your Local Chapter Hubs. Friday is Survey Earth in a Day 8
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Survey Legend
Wednesday June 18th is European Land Surveyors Day and were looking forward to many photos and posts inside Local Chapter Hubs from the EU! Here are some announcements and a Hangout recording about Survey Earth in a Day 8
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christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Sticks in the Ground: How Early Surveyors Aligned the Ancient World
I. Introduction: The Stick That Drew the First Line
Imagine standing in an open field at dawn. The sun rises slowly, casting long shadows that stretch across the earth. You have no…
23 hours ago
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Measured by Nature: The Role of Sticks and Stones in Prehistoric Surveying
I. Introduction: Nature as Humanity’s First Measuring Tool
Long before the development of formal surveying instruments, humanity’s understanding of space, distance, and…
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Threads of Time: The Lasting Legacy of Rope-Based Surveying in Civilization
The Invisible Lines That Shaped Civilization
Imagine a thread—simple, fragile, easily frayed. Now imagine that thread stretching across millennia, woven into the very fabric…
Nicole Madey, André Mannberg-Novakovic, Fred Isabirye and 1 more joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Recruiter Student Surveyor Land Surveyor Land Surveyor
Week 144: The New YSN Mentoring Program via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One
95 views 6 likes

Channel: Trent Keenan

In this episode we’re excited to welcome the YSN Committee as…
Episode 243 - Brian Owens, Honor, Family, Music & Words via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

Oh my word...yet another value adding and life changing episode! The guys were joined in-studio this week by our good friend Brian Owens. We believe Brian to be the FIRST in the "5 Timer" club! By day, Brian is the Vice President of Safety &…

christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Measured by Hand: How Ropes Built the Ancient World
A World Measured by Hand and Rope
Picture this: you’re standing on the edge of an expansive Neolithic settlement, the air thick with dust, the rhythmic sounds of stone against stone echoing in the…
Viju Ponmudiyan is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Feb 5