A Must-Watch Introduction What is the Marathwada Survey System? Quick & Clear Explanation

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The Marathwada Survey System is a traditional method of land measurement and record-keeping, primarily used in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra, India. This system plays a vital role in defining property boundaries, land ownership, and agricultural layouts. It is based on unique local practices and terminologies like Lambi (base line) and Rundi (also referring to the base line), making it distinct from other survey systems.

Surveying instruments like the chain, cross-staff, measuring tape, and plumb bob are commonly used in the Marathwada Survey System for precise measurements of distances and angles. These tools enable accurate land division and mapping. The system has been integral in preserving historical land records and continues to influence modern surveying practices in the region. Understanding this system and its tools provides valuable insights into regional land management and the socio-economic history of Marathwada

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