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Survey Legend

Facebook May Be a Ticking Time Bomb for Land Surveyors

With everything that is happening with the big tech giants this week, a lot of people are thinking about the sustainability of platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.  Quite a few that I have talked with are concerned not only with the future of their own personal data but also the questionable practices being used to monetize each and every aspect of our lives.  I just wanted to share with you just one conversation that I had today

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Land Surveying is For the Future World

Land surveying is a whole world in itself, which involves measuring and mapping the world around us using mathematics, advanced software, and equipment. Land surveyors are capable of calculating just about anything on the ground, in the sky, or at the bottom of the sea and it also includes polar ice caps.

Land surveyors are employed both in the office and in the field. They are capable of using the highest technology in the fields, such as high-order GPS and aerial and terrestrial scanners for ma

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Party Chief
Breadcrumb Navigation throughout the community, making it simpler to navigate and  find your way back to where you started. Examples: Jobs,   Forums , Toolkits  , Articles Your Member Profile is much more organized and you'll find it much simpler to quickly add content to the community.  You'll also see that you can quickly find jobs, equipment deals and navigate to resources easier through your profile. New dedicated pages for those who are Seeking Employment and for those who are Now Hiring
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When it comes to maps, you must know that map-making is part art and part science. To turn maps into an effective communication tool, you need to reach your audiences. To reach your audiences, the map must present itself in a simple way that gives a sense of comfort and easement to the map users. There are many GIS Mapping Companies that can create sophisticated yet simple-to-visualize maps that are truly making an impact in the Cartography world.


What is the Need for Simplicity in Map Making? 9224173270?profile=RESIZE_584x


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Survey Legend
Land Surveyors discuss best total stations equipment to use for surveying

Best Total stations DiscussionWanna see the type of surveying equipment your fellow land surveyors are using around the world?  More specifically... would you like to know what kind of Total Stations everyone is using?  Take a look at the comments on the following thread for some very valuable insight from all corners of the earth.

We asked:

What is the best total station you used in the field up to now ? And why ? 
Please explain in few sentences from your experience

Click on the ^ Comments

Feel free to comment belo
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Survey Legend
For Those Who Are Still Seeking Employment If you are looking for a position in Land Surveying, things are getting a bit simpler for you inside the community.  All of the tools and resources have been gathered here for you in a single page for those seeking employment.  Visit that page to Create a Resume which goes straight to recruiters.   See the latest available Surveying Jobs.   Or if you are in the United States, simply upload and share your resume directly to our resume pool.
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Survey Legend
Mentorship for Land Surveyors United Members Because the public knows more about Bigfoot than they do about Land Surveyors... Our Mentorship Hub has been completely redesigned and we even threw in an explanation for why we are using Bigfoot as our Mentorship Guides... A BIG Thank you goes out to those who have been helping spot bugs and work out the kinks...  The apps have been updated and fixed with a new onboarding process which helps everyone know where everyone else is coming from...
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Survey Legend
Do you teach courses in Land Surveying?   If so, we want to include your courses inside our new Survey School App which should roll out in early January.  The Survey School App includes both free and premium courses for learning all aspects of Land Surveying.  Do Your Write or Sell Books about Land Surveying? If you are a book author who would like to have your books on display and for sale inside the Smarketplace Vitual Mall, in the book store (an inside the Smarketplace App), we want to know
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Not a Surveyor

            Surveys are the demanding stage of the construction of the assignments. Construction survey of the pipeline for oil and gas requires expert engineering analysis, this pipeline needs accurate route survey and route selection. The GIS (geographic information system) mapping provides all types of geographical data for surveying the route. Arcengine makes sure to give the best service drafting the project most efficiently and accurately.
            Many factors are affecting the survey

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Survey Legend
At the moment, we only need you to do 2 simple things: 1) Make sure you have Joined/Followed the Hub for your Country or State - find them here               If you search Hubs and find that your country does not have a Hub, please send me a message. 2) RSVP for the day of the week that cooresponds with your Geography - Full List Here
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Land Surveyor



Accurate cadastral maps define legal repositories of land ownership, value and location by registering and representing land boundaries on a map. These cadastral maps can be further categorized in various aspects which is depends on the requirement or the purpose of the user. Infrastructure mapping is such instant. In this study building up a public road cadastre system is discussed.


Public road network in

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Views: 422
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Reflective Survey Targets

Just Retros a Sydney, Australia based reflective target supplier is pleased to annouce that it can now offer RE-BRANDING on our target range, that means you can have your own company logo on your targets.

We are also pleased to annouce we are able to offer consecutive numbering for our targets so each target is unique.

Prices for targets with your logo are the same as shown on our website. A minimum order quantity of 2,000 is required.

Check out the website, inquires are welcome.

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Views: 336
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Land Surveyor article entitled, "Why Trying to Be Perfect Won't Help You Achieve Your Goals (And What Will)".   So I am now trying living by John C. Maxwell's quote, "Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward"...In these times, it is important to connect, innovate, hustle, adapt, and motivate.  That is, we need to lift ourselves and those around us up and strive for a better future...If you have any questions or leads, feel free to reach out!
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Land Surveyor
Archaeological Surveys | As-built | Coastal Surveys | Consulting Services (Geomatics) | Close-range Photogrammetry | Data Validation | Drainage & Utilities Surveys DWG & DGN Files | Earthworks & Volumetric Surveys | Engineering Surveys | Expert Witness Services | Gauging & Clearance Surveys | Geotechnical & Borehole Surveys GENIO Files | GPS Surveys | GPR Surveys | Level Surveys | Ground Modelling & Visualisation | Heritage Surveys | Road & Highway Surveys | 2D Floor Plans & Elevations Land Cond
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Survey Legend
During this time of great universal confusion, Land Surveyors United Community is always here for you.  Nevertheless, we come to you today to ask for your help. Tomorrow Night we will be hosting a Geoholics Anonymous Live Stream on the Covid-19 page ***Bonus Announcement from Topcon Positioning Topcon Offers Library of eLearning Courses 100% Free
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christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Cosmic Blueprints: How Celestial Alignment Unified Prehistoric Monuments
Introduction: The Sky as an Architect’s Guide
Imagine standing in a vast open field thousands of years ago. There are no blueprints, no compasses, no GPS satellites humming…
19 hours ago
dani and Frank Romano joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Land Surveyor Land Surveyor
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Guided by the Stars: How Constellations Shaped Prehistoric Surveying
Introduction: When the Night Sky Became a Map
Before maps were drawn on paper and compasses pointed north, prehistoric societies turned to the stars. Against the dark canvas of the…
christopher lucas published an article in FUTURISTS
Dancing with the Moon: Lunar Alignments and Prehistoric Timekeeping
Introduction: The Moon as Humanity’s First Calendar
While the Sun provided a grand framework for the year, it was the Moon that filled in the details. Its waxing and waning, the…
Jerry Lopez and Heidi Lewis joined Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community
Land Surveyor Recruiter
The surveyor hub for AFGHANISTAN LAND SURVEYOR was featured
The surveyor hub for AFGHANISTAN LAND SURVEYOR was featured
M.Mazen Albezreh posted a discussion
Hello everyone, I am facing one issue with the leveling. I did long static GNSS observations (10+ hours) for some points spacing around 10 km. After post-processing and adjusting the network I had the MSL heights using EGM2008, I planned to do…