Hello everyone,
I am facing one issue with the leveling. I did long static GNSS observations (10+ hours) for some points spacing around 10 km. After post-processing and adjusting the network I had the MSL heights using EGM2008, I planned to do digital leveling between the points by starting from the first point and closing on the next one (~10 km). The Static accuracy for Static (phase) with long observations is 3 mm + 0.1 ppm horizontal and 3.5 mm + 0.4 ppm vertical. I supposed the leveling misclosure would not exceed 5 cm (8 mm as per the GNSS specs). but I got 15 cm in 4 spans (10 km each), 5 mm in 1 span (10 KM), and 43 cm in one span (10 km).
Is there any reason that caused the big misclosure (43 cm) like the EGM2008 accuracy for example? the project is in the Middle East
I repeated that span, thinking that maybe the surveyor or any staff man did something wrong somewhere, but the same results came. Even when I tried again from a different route, I got the same results.
GNSS used: Leica GS14 (GPS + GLONASS)
Digital Level used: Leica DNA03
Adding to that, the area of interest has 7 parallel high-tension power lines, please look at the screen shot below: