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Good day all
I am not a surveyor but I play with GPS and specifically precision low cost units for precise positioning and navigation over dangerous terrain or for placement and remote control of machinery.
The question that I have is how is the baseline between the Base and Rover established (calculated)when RTK is in progress? Is it the horizontal distance or is it the hypotenuse?



In the above I have a Base at point A that is 10 meters away from the Rover at point B and it is also 10 meters higher. The receivers are precisely placed as indicated above.
What distance is calculated by the GPS as the Baseline?

Thank you



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  • Land Surveyor

    The vector that is developed between the two receivers is 3-D, ergo, an hypotenuse.

    However, the report in the controller is based on the user's prescription or other (default?) settings and so the vector displayed MAY be horizontal, i.e., 2-D.

    The dimensions may also depend on whether the unit is set up to display results using a plane projection, in which case the distances and directions will be somewhat different than the geodetic values.

  • What would you like me to expand on?

    I am in the process of building an height (Z) adjustable rig to see when this "transformation" takes place

  • Survey Legend

    Tell us more...

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