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Search Results (233)

Not a Surveyor

The First Ascent of Denali: A Surveying and Mapping Perspective12633600686?profile=RESIZE_584x

On June 7, 1913, Hudson Stuck, an Alaskan missionary and seasoned amateur mountaineer, etched his name into the annals of exploration history by leading the first successful expedition to the summit of Denali. At an imposing height of 20,320 feet, Denali—also known historically as Mount McKinley—reigns as the highest peak in North America. This landmark achievement transcended the mere physical and logistical challenges it posed; it

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Not a Surveyor

Building the Brooklyn Bridge: Bridging Cities and Innovating Surveying Practices12557066484?profile=RESIZE_710x

On May 24, 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge gracefully arched over the East River to connect Manhattan and Brooklyn, forever transforming the urban landscape of New York City. Celebrated as an engineering marvel, the Brooklyn Bridge stood as the largest suspension bridge of its era. It not only connected two bustling boroughs but also symbolized the union of traditional craftsmanship and emergent technologies of the late 1

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Not a Surveyor

John Adams Relocates Federal Government to Washington 


On May 15, 1800, President John Adams issued a significant directive that would forever alter the landscape of American governance—ordering the federal government to relocate from its provisional capital in Philadelphia to the newly established seat of power in Washington, D.C. This move was much more than a mere logistical shift; it was a monumental undertaking that would require meticulous planning, unprecedented coordination, and a deep

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Survey Legend

International Land Surveyors Week 2018 (June 17-23) is for Land Surveyors in any country on earth to celebrate the value of professional land surveyors in society.

International Surveyors Week 2018

This is our 4th year celebrating the surveying profession worldwide on this week and it is slowly changing the industry into a more open and connected situation for surveyors all around the world. Just ask yourself a couple of questions.  Have you recently noticed all of the surveying magazines and forum websites pushing the idea

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GEO Ambassador

Look At All We've Done Together in 2017

As a global community with absolutely no budget, we have created quite a few milestones this year and that is all because of you and your undying commitment to your industry!  But don't take my word for it...check out our annual report!

A short video about our 2017 year together


This year we grew by over 3500 members, now well over 13,000 surveyors worldwide

Our Facebook page grew by over 6000 followers- now with over 47,000 followers!

Every single month

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GEO Ambassador

Land Surveying is TimelessLand Surveying is Timeless:

Shared Experience is Education for those new to the field. There are no shortages on complaints around the internet about newbies relying too much on tech. However, the veteran land surveyors are just now- for the first time in history- sharing and documenting their expertise from the field. Students and new surveyors simply have never been exposed to the methods and approaches to land surveying rooted in history. If you think you have nothing to contribute, consider

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GEO Ambassador

The Future is Bright for Land Surveyors

Survey Earth in a Day 5Land Surveyors Have a Bright Future

This is something that I keep telling myself.  This is what my Dad (Skip Farrow) used to say whenever we hit a milestone with this community- and over the years, we hit a lot.  I've been putting off writing this post for almost a year.  It has simply been too difficult to write since my dad passed away last June.  Nevertheless, this is hopefully going to be a happy post in celebration of the life of a man who loved surveying, enjoyed helping surveyors accompli

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GEO Ambassador

Happy Birthday Land Surveyors United


9 Years ago today,during the absolute worst of times, my dad and I started Land Surveyors United in order to change the ways that land surveyors communicated, how they found support and the public perception of what a land surveyor does. With just 5 members and a hard drive full of knowledge base documents, we began doing what we believed to be impossible- creating a social support network for professionals who spend 90% of their time outdoors. Today, we ha

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GEO Ambassador

International Surveyors Week 2013 Has Begun

Professional Land Surveyors of the World UNITE!

As anticipated, the second annual International Surveyors Week begins now, once again uniting professional land surveyors on a global scale. During this week you will be accomplishing two important issues for land surveyors:

1) Educating the public regarding the importance of professional land surveyors to society and...

2) Cultivating a real global community for land surveyors to grow and thrive within. International Surveyors Week 2013 is an even

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Survey Legend

Mine Your Experience

1198857551?profile=originalI've been thinking a lot lately about sharing a story here on Land Surveyors United so that other land surveyors may learn more from me, because I realize that I have something to share.  I imagine that many of you might be in the same place with this.  Perhaps we have not yet begun to feel the crunch that will be involved when there becomes a scare and our industry is compromised due to fading into other technologies.  So today, I am going to make an attempt by writing a story about writing a s

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GEO Ambassador

Happy International Surveyors Week 2012

Happy International Surveyors Week 2012

1198854813?profile=originalWhen I started building Land Surveyors United back in 2007, I never imagined that this project could become so enlightening. Every single day that I wake up on this earth, I am greeted by passionate and driven land surveyors from virtually every location on earth, sharing their experiences and finding solutions to their problems on the network.  Together with RLS Scott Warner of Wisconsin, a set of dedicated calendar days have been determined which will fo

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Basic Tools


Basic Tool Mason Plum Bob


Zero Error Tool

It is truth that books were written from experiential but no one can do any thing by book, because fun is knowledge based and shifted from a practical person to others followers.

About 25 years ago a mason question me that what is man made thing which has no error, I went to think about man made machines daily used equipment, tools etc and guessed many things, he reject all my pointed tools, then I tired and let him to tell me, he did not replied only sho

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Land Surveyor

S t r i p p e r :  C o n f e s s i o n s  o f  a  L a n d  S u r v e y o r
B y  P e a n  C h e n e y i n g  P L S

(Originally published in Gulf Coast Surveyor, September 2011 under the column "Chain!")




Joe called saying he wanted a Land Survey to define a strip of land he was occupying next to the recorded lot he owned that he wanted to purchase from his adjoiner. He said he had read some positive reports about our firm and that is why he was contacting us. A current tax mosaic was

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GEO Ambassador

Back of Curb Digest Not-To-Be-Missed Best of Week

Our Latest Project
Group Forums On Fire!

Computer Problems Support

Land Surveyors Task List

Creative Construction

IkeGPS Support


Video of the Week

Weekly digest time again,Surveyors!! Who's signing up, who's making news and what's new on Land Surveyors United? The network is running faster and smoother and there are LOADS of new stuff for you to play with and explore!!!

NEW! Our New Network Mobile App for iPhone

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GEO Ambassador

When We Are All Dead

When We Are All Dead...will Surveying be with us?

1198849426?profile=originalWhen we are all long gone from this earthly plain, there will still be droves of ambitious new surveyors entering the industry, many without even the slightest clue about the origin of ideas, reasoning behind practice or history of method. Those surveyors will most likely find themselves Googling their questions and concerns only to find your brilliant solution on our network, having been answered years before by some dead guy who really knew wha

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I Am Going To Tell You How to Future-Proof Your Surveying Business
If you have, you are among the whopping 3% of business owners in the world who has claimed their business on the Google maps and in Google Local Search. Just run a quick search for Land Surveyors in your local area and see where you fall in the search results. If you haven't yet claimed your business you will be missing out on a LOT of business over the next 24 months. I want to help you out with making this claim if you haven't y

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GEO Ambassador
Hello Friends, Surveyors and GeoSpatial Professionals
Last week we gave you the Official Land Surveyors Toolbar so that you can install it into your browser and stay connected with the discussions and activity on Land Surveyors United anywhere you go. This week we bring you something even more exciting! If you take a look at the sitewide toolbar up at the top of the network (click to expand it), you'll see that there have been some excellent new tools and enhancements added to better your experi
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GEO Ambassador

Introducing The United States of America Land Surveyors Support Groups


Its been a long and interesting process, but I finally managed to get all 50 state-based social support groups up for the United States of America. The idea here is to create a place for every surveyor in the United States (and eventually the globe) to go and have all of their state based information all in one place-including the most up to date documents and events from their state board. And because state board websites

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GEO Ambassador
Below you will find a few pieces of software that I've run across and thought could be helpful to our land surveying members. They're all free! Comment if you have any questions whatsoever.mapinfo.JPGMapInfo Professional 10 FULLMapinfo Professional 10 Full | Mirror MediafireMapInfo Professional is a powerful Microsoft Windows-based mapping and geographic analysis application from the experts in location intelligence. Designed to easily visualize the relationships between data and geography, MapInfo Profess
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EP184 Farrah Etcheverry & Marcus Schmitt - NSPS YSN @ FIG Working Week 2024 via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

Continuing in our series of episodes featuring chats with Young Surveyors from the recent FIG Working Week 2024 in Accra, Ghana is Farrah Etcheverry from Arizona and Marcus Schmitt from Illinois. They joined Tim Burch to share their highlights of…

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christopher lucas posted a blog post
The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934: The Role of Land Surveying in Empowering Native American Autonomy
On June 18, 1934, a transformative piece of legislation, the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA), also known as the Wheeler-Howard Act or the Indian…
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Arafat Manonto Antor is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community
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Land Surveyor Land Surveyor
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Michael Rourke favorited Billy Brooks's discussion 1000+ Surveying questions and answers
christopher lucas posted a blog post
The Solar Compass: Navigating the Past and Present of Land Surveying
The solar compass stands as a landmark innovation in the history of land surveying. Developed in the early 19th century by William Austin Burt, an American surveyor and inventor,…
Troy Murphy is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community