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Land Surveyor


Below is an email thread that happened over the last couple of days related survey pricing and a request that came in from a potential client. I wanted to share it with surveyors and other potential clients for a number of reasons.

One is so that surveyors know they’re not alone out there. We all have gotten calls and comments like this. So, don’t get upset or offended when you do. Unfortunately our profession hasn’t had or developed the professional reputation that we would desire. Folks stil

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Survey Legend

It has been an exciting year for Land Surveyors United Community!  We accepted our 10,000th member (now 10,100), celebrated the largest archive of surveyor submitted photos and helped find over 300 land surveyors jobs.

As 2016 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to show our gratitude to our top contributors, share some of our most popular topics and discussions and pass on some handpicked surveying jobs from our Global Surveying Jobs Board to get 2017 started on the right track.

Top Cont

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GEO Ambassador

Surveyors Share Their Day With Us on Facebook Too!

11745897_10206873069605967_5883067747016622349_n.jpg?oh=140b45c65494675094e1216fbfe0cc8f&oe=569A5C2F&width=200You may not know this, but our surveying community on Facebook has over 11,000 followers, many contributing their surveying photos with us from there.  For example, take a look at this post from this morning.

Surveyor Submitted Photos from around the globe on Land Surveyors United

Posted by Land Surveyors United on Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Back in 2007 when we began Land Surveyors United network, we had no idea that one day we'd have the largest collec

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Land Surveyor

Typical Surveyor's Report


Something Typical In Surveyor Reporting


I thought that some of you might gain some insight by examining a typical Surveyor's Report generated for a project I am working on.


I have altered the particulars so as to protect the innocent. This is a draft copy, I am still working on it.





Land Surveyor has been provided copies of several surveys of properties adjoining the subject tract as well as a copy of a survey performed on the subject tract. In this Land Surveyor’s opi

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Land Surveyor




“About Horses and Water”

Written by Penn Cheyning RPLS
(This story is completely fictional, any resemblance to actual events is purely a coincidence).

I received a phone call about a boundary dispute in an area of the city I know fairly well. I had not performed a survey in this particular subdivision but had surveyed other tracts of land in adjoining subdivisions many times. I was fairly certain it would not pose much of a challenge although the description was for a couple of Lots and a fr

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Coordinate Transformation SMI CVC Version 7



I do not understand how to use my SMI software to transform coordinates. I have created a fictional job to illustrate my predicament. I have created points in my SMI card for two centerline PCPs, and four property corners. These are calculated points based on a plat. When I arrive at the job I set a nail across the street from the property, and occupy it. 


Calculated Points:


Point   Northing        Easting         Description


100     5000.0000    5000.0000   PCP

101     5000.0000    4400.0

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GEO Ambassador
Our Latest Project

Land Surveyors University

Groups On Fire!

Juniper Systems Support

Website Help for Surveyors

Endangered Art of Chaining

California Land Surveyors


Video of the Week

Weekly digest time again, Surveyors!! Who's signing up, who's making news and what's new on Land Surveyors United?
If you plan to have a chance at walking away with the prize for Level One, you have until monday to submit your evidence for Level One of Land Surveyors Univers

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GEO Ambassador

Job Security in the Surveying Industry

Think about what you always considered to be job security, and flip it inside out.


1198853727?profile=originalWhen you join a Support Group on LSU, you are immediately on your way to customizing your own unique support network based on your general (or specific) location, a topic which you are passionate about or a type of equipment which you are either learning or have already mastered.  Your profile and network becomes more diversified and your influence grows according to your particular level of participation.


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Land Surveyor

Disaster Express

Written By Penn Cheneying, PLS


A woman called me one morning asking for a Standard Land Survey on her property in my town. She and her husband lived out of state and had purchased the lot in question at a tax auction some four years earlier. They had purchased the land speculating that they could sell it sometime in the future at a profit.They had viewed the land prior to their purchase and she told me that they were under the impression that there was a small old house on it. They assumed the l

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GEO Ambassador


QR code - Google Maps - LSU Member Map

Today I'm going to take a  short break on the Happy Birthday LSU posts and explain something that has been on my mind for over a year now.  Namely, the ways that QR codes and bar code scanning may change the way surveyors do business in the near future.


Surveyors, did you know that there is such a thing as a paper-based hyperlink?  Imagine this:  You get to a jobsite with a set of plans and each page has this wierd code at the bottom that looks like this to your right.  What is it?  It a Qu

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GEO Ambassador

Why Won't State Boards Help Their Surveyors?


As the dedicated administrator of this site, I get a LOT of emails from surveyors who are desperately in need of solutions to problems which are MUCH larger than how to fix a piece of equipment.  Surveyors are having serious life problems related to their relationships with a state board and are losing not only everything they own in the material world, but more devastating they are losing who they are, who they thought they were and who they had always hoped to be.  Quite a few of you wonder (

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GEO Ambassador

Free Surveying Company Websites for Everyone! Go Wild!

Update: Find the newest Land Surveying Company Template here

UPDATE 2:  Hire to build you a professional website for your surveying company for as low as $500

Mention this post for $200 discount on services..


Free Surveying Company Website Site Template

Every land surveying company needs a website right?  Economic times are tough all over, so many surveying companies are struggling just to stay afloat, right?  Well I have thought long and hard about this and came up with a free solut

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GEO Ambassador


Staying On Top!

An extremely exciting announcement goes out today about the new way that activity and discussions on Land Surveyors United works.  When on the main page of the network, you will now see something somewhat similar to a feature we had in the past (which i had hacked to run inside the network for years hoping to encourage Ning to integrate) but today it works quite differently.  When you update your status from this box, you will instantly see your status posted in real time witho

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Send in photos or videos by phone or email

When you joined Land Surveyors United, a unique Add By Phone email address is assigned to your profile on that network. You can use this address to send photos or videos, one at a time, to your LSU. If Twitter
is enabled on your profile, you can also post Add By Phone content to Twitter by checking the box. If your cell phone has a camera and email, this is a great way to add photos or videos to your LSU profile while in the field! Any photo or video you
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GEO Ambassador
I don't know how many of you guys could possibly be as excited about passing the 800 member mark as I am, but believe me when I tell you that getting 800 professional land surveyors together in one place is not an easy task! I just wanted to thank everyone for their participation and hard work. When you combine that with all of the surveyors and LSU members on other social networks, its getting up there pretty quick!
Myspace Group for Land Surveyors UnitedMyspace

Land Surveyors United on FacebookFacebook

Land Surveyors United Field Support GroupField Support

Land Surveyors United on TwitterTwitter LSU

YouTube Group Land Surveyors UnitedYoutube

Land Surveyors United on LinkedinLinkedin

Land Surveyors United on VimeoVimeo

Land Surveyors United on FlickrFlickr

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GEO Ambassador
Hello Surveyors!
You have most likely noticed that everyone's profile has a "Gift" application at the top by default and wondered to yourself "What the heck is that?"

Maybe you thought it was dumb and just continued about your business-perhaps you gave it a whirl. Don't give up so easy-there is actually a good reason for giving gifts. What i am here to tell you about may be of great interest to any of you who are interested in building lasting relationships with other land surveyors on LSU. W
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GEO Ambassador
I've been meaning to make this post for quite sometime , so with the new year on the horizon i figured it is about time to explain how to customize your LSU profile so that we can all start off with a fresh look. This should take no more than 5-10 minutes and when you're finished, you'll have a more unique profile page, ready to represent you, your company or location for other surveyors across the world to admire.First, log in (if you haven't already) and click on the tab that says "My Page" in
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Sam Jones is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community
24 minutes ago
Regis Kapuyah updated their profile photo
5 hours ago
Regis Kapuyah updated their profile
5 hours ago
The surveyor hub for Amazing Surveying Photos Showcase was featured
17 hours ago
The surveyor hub for Amazing Surveying Photos Showcase was featured
17 hours ago
Episode 216 - Landon Jakse & Oceaneering (Offshore Surveying) via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

Landon is back again to provide even MORE intriguing & insightful information about what its like to survey the ocean! The guys were joined this week by Landon Jakse, Offshore Survey & Positioning Project Manager at Oceaneering! Landon is…

20 hours ago
christopher lucas posted a blog post
The Dumpy Level: A Historical and Functional Perspective in Land Surveying
In the realm of land surveying, certain tools have stood the test of time, not merely as relics, but as enduring symbols of the field's foundational principles. The Dumpy…
21 hours ago
HAKIZIMANA Bosco is now a member of Land Surveyors United - Global Surveying Community
22 hours ago