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Profile Cover Photo Contest:  Win an awesome Level Rod USB

Would you like to win a new Level Rod USB Stick while showing off your Land Surveyors United profile and making some new connections?   Here's how to do it!

Land Surveyor Cover Photo Contest

This is what you will win!

Step One:  Go to your profile by logging in and clicking on "ME" in the navigation.

Step Two: Find the "Options" button on your profile like so and click it. Upload your best surveying photo as your Cover Photo Step Three: Come back to this post and in the comments below, paste the URL address of your profile so we can check it out and tell us something about the image you chose. Our panel of judges will review all submissions this weekend and we'll announce a winner!  Good Luck!

Your cover photo should represent Land Surveying in or around your local area -it should be your best shot ever!

Invite your crew to the site and to visit your profile.  Profiles with the most visits have best chance to win.

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Justin Farrow - Creator of Land Surveyors United

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