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I would like to start that discussion about the Open Source software RTK-LIB that allows anyone to post-process GNSS observations (RINEX) for free and also to perform RTK (RTCM).

It seems UAV hobbyists and robots makers are more familiar than surveyors with the RTK-LIB. That library has been developed by Mr TAKAZU from Japan. 

RTKLIB is an open source program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS (global navigation satellite system). RTKLIB consists of a portable program library and several APs (application programs) utilizing the library.

I would very much appreciate your feedbacks on that topic and on what GNSS post-processing software you are working with ? It seems post-processing a bit of fashion nowadays but RTK-LIB can also carry on your observations in RTK mode and even using PPP.

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  • Student Surveyor

    You might also want to check out:

    AUSPOS is a free online GPS data processing facility provided by Geoscience Australia. It takes advantage of both the IGS Stations Network and the IGS product range. AUSPOS works with data collected anywhere on Earth.

    AUSPOS - Online GPS Processing Service
    View a free online GPS data processing service provided by Geoscience Australia.
  • Land Surveyor
    Dear Carlo, Many thanks for your feedback and yes GALILEO and BEIDOU are disrupting existing GNSS PP software while RTK-LIB is handling even PPP !
  • Land Surveyor

    Hi Joel

    My experience is with LGO and Pinnacle (... Magnet ...).

    I knew RTK-LIB in 2016 and I appreciated immediately his interface. It need a fine "tuning" of the calc settings, and the results may are poor if some parameters are wrong estimated.

    In these days I beginning to probe RTK-LIB with Beidou and Galileo, cause my licensed "branded" softwares don't support the new constellation.

    Finally, I mean RTK-LIB a good choice if You have a small/medium post-proc survey.


    Carlo Alberto


  • We "discovered" RTKLIB in 2011 and have since used it almost exclusively for our GNSS applications, ranging from long range static to short range highly dynamic kinematic post processed surveys. We started off with L1 (because the L1 OEM boards were so much cheaper than dual frequency boards) but soon learned that for a commercial and professional operation the second frequency is indispensable. We also learned very early that the operational baggage that comes with RTK was in most of our jobs just not worth carrying. Hence we are doing everything post processed.

    For long range absolute positioning we use downloadable CORS observations or, when available, on line positioning services such as OPUS in the US or SAPOS in Germany. For short range dynamic work we use our own software, CamPos which uses RTKLIBs post processing module as well as the event marking method and subsequent linear interpolation technique to very accurately determine the coordinates of camera exposure and other marked events. 

    It is mainly through the use of RTKLIB that we have been rather successful with our V-Map systems  which are now being used all over the world by UAV mapping operators to both accurately fix camera exposure positions for direct geo-referencing or to perform Ground Control and Validation Point Surveys on the survey rod in classical terrestrial base/rover setups. The beauty about the V-Map system is that the multi frequency, multi-constellation, high frequency, super small and super light (120g !) receivers are completely platform independent and can thus be mounted on any drone or other platforms such as hydro survey boats or even your good old survey rod. And they come free of charge with CamPos, the post processing software that leads you through the workflow from RINEX conversions through to geo-tagging of your aerial or terrestrial images. Here is a video showing how a ground control point is surveyed with the V-Map system: 

    In addition to shortening the learning curve in precise positioning for new-comers and old hands in the UAV mapping world, the V-Map solution comes in very competitively in terms of pricing as well. Feel free to inquire at for further technical and pricing information.


    For comparison to the conventional main line vendor rover products, the grey box contains V-Map base and rover with antennas and batteries and camera.


    V-Map receiver connected to a Sony a6000 as payload on a DJI M600 platform. 

  • Land Surveyor
    We're curious at my surveyong firm to get into drone technology. Can you actually define smooth curbs, flowlines and roads with them now?
    • Land Surveyor

      As mentioned before, PIX4D, PHOTOSCAN Pro and CONTEXT CAPTURE from Bentley are probably de facto industry standard nowadays. You have an emerging trend in Open Source softwares that will pop up soon as well. Now you have to realize that getting all the objects and topology, lines and polygons ... you will have to "vectorized" yourself from the 3D models or orthophoto's. The good point is you can do in your office. You have also to check "what it is" and to a complement survey if your customer is looking for ground definition of buildings for instance. All these were well known by the photogrammetry agencies. Interesting enough is the whole working flow process can be organized in an industrial way. You define your specifications and requirements, you hire companies to do the flight, you transfer the images in India, Pakistan or China and within a short time you get your products delivered. I am certainly not saying that's a way to go ... but keep in your mind that's the way big agencies are doing. Now we are having here in Belgium more and more surveyors handling UAV and that's just a great extension to our survey tools. So you should give a trial ! You can use a DGI Phantom 4 and a trial version of any processing software to make your mind ... or just use your smartphone camera ! The real revolution is in the image processing. UAV is simply take your camera in the air but you can also use a crane or any elevator ... Just so exiting isn't ?

    • Not a Surveyor

      When done correctly, you are creating a 3D model with CM accuracy with a great amount of detail.  It is actually amazing what you can do with them.  I am learning constantly and there will be aspects of surveying that a drone can not replace. 

      You can create outstanding 3D or 2D maps with great accuracy.  They key is getting or using good software along with quality data for ground control points (or RTK for guys going that route).  The industry leader for software is Pix4D.  You can either buy the software outright or pay a monthly fee.  The company DroneDeploy is another one that people use alot and all the processing is done online but they are actually using the Pix4D engine to process the images.

      Here is a link to their training videos:

      You can do a month long trial.  You guys already have the survey equipment and knowledge.  You could start using a Phantom 4 Pro and provide some awesome solutions for clients.

      Where it does not shine is areas with heavy cover (trees in Summer).  That is where Lidar steps in and over the next 2 years you are going to see Lidar really explode in the drone industry.  The price is going to keep dropping to a point where many people can start using it on drones like the P4 or other non DJI drones.

      The sites to look at: (the industry leader) (alternative to Pix4D but not as good)

      This is a basic but decent article on drone mapping:

      Hope this helps.


      Video academy
      Tip: To activate subtitles translated from English audio, click here. Getting started with your first project Georeferencing Measurements…
  • Not a Surveyor

    I will add my viewpoint.  This is a broad subject and I am coming from the point of view of a commercial drone pilot.  Last year I began the quest to begin drone mapping and 3D modeling.  I knew from the beginning I had to understand and learn about GNSS, Surveying, and Post Processing in order to develope any skills and move forward.

    I found out VERY quickly why Civil engineering is a degree and not a hobby!  I have done and learned many things in my 25 year professional career but there has been nothing harder to comprehend than Post Processing.

    I have 2 Emlid Reach RS units and 1 Emlid Reach unit to put on my drone.  Before the Emlid Reach units it was cost prohibitive for anyone like me to aquire equipment and learn how to do this stuff.

    So with that said, I dove in head first and tried to learn all that I could.

    From a drone/uav standpoint, if you can take photos with RTK accuracy then there is no need to post process.  But when using drones like the DJI Phantom 4 Pro, it takes modifying the drone to be able to do RTK and even requires post processing the images to update the EXIF data with the RTK captured data.  I purchased the Emlid Reach unit to do this but have yet to implement it.  One barrier to RTK is the cost of having the correct access to NTRIP servers.  I have access to one server in North MS but that is it.  It is very costly.

    I tried to learn RTKlib and after many days (actually a couple of months) I finally gave up on learning it.  I then found software from a company called Efigis (out of Canada).  And spent alot more time trying and testing different things.  I eventually settled on using their Post Processing software called EZ Surv and I survey Ground Control Points using their software called EZ Tag.  I can now go collect data, come back and post process the data with CM accuracy.  But it was a very long and hard rode to learn this stuff.  

    With the growth of uav mapping, there are been many more guys trying to figure this stuff out.  For me it will stay with capturing points and post processing them.  It is fail proof and it works.  I know that RTK is great and when you have access to the NTRIP corrections, it is awesome and when I am close enough to the one caster that I have access to, I will probably do that and then just count on post processing when I am beyond the max distance.

    As for RTKlib, for the guys who know this stuff, I know it is a great program and it works.  But until I have more time to try and learn it, I will have to rely more on an automated approach :)

    • Tim, I have also got a set of Reach receivers to use in a base/rover setup for GCP's for my little drone company. PSA - I am a surveyor for more than 30 years and understand the pain of getting post processing right. The problem I have is the free Australian processing required L1/L2 data and the Reach is only L1 - not a problem to use and get good RTK in the field but I can't post process the Reach Data here. How expensive is the EZ Surv program and what do you use with EZ Tag for GCP's - is it an app or what runs it? I'm keen to try what you've done with EZ Surv. Cheers.

      • Not a Surveyor


        The EZsurv is GREAT.  It now takes me about 2 minutes to process my Emlid Reach RS surveys and then export the CSV file for Pix4D.  I highly recommend EZsurv.  They now have a utility that converts the ReachRS survey file (csv file) and the UBX log file into an XML file that EZsurv actually uses to process from.  It is VERY nice and very easy.  I will double check the price and post back.  I am going to do a Youtube video on my GCP process so that other folks who are not surveyors and need to do GCP's will have an easy start :)

        I now only use the ReachView app to do the survey.  Very straight forward and simple.   So steps are:

        1. Survey in field with Reach RS using Reachview app. (with log capturing for at least 20 minutes)

        2. Go back to office and connect Reach RS to office wifi.

        3. Connect to Reach RS via web browser (same office wifi)

        4. Export Survey file and UBX log file to my PC

        5. Use EZsurv conversion utility to create XML file from survey CSV and UBX file.

        6. Open EZsurv and drag XML file into software.

        7. Click on AutoProcess

        8. Export results in CSV file that you can use in whatever mapping software you use.

        Quick and easy

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