Land Surveyor

OPUS error message

I received the below error message from a rapid static upload.  Is there any way to obtain coordinates and elevation values?  I do not need tight tolerances, I just want to use this point as a verification.   

Thank you

10 hours ago


 FILE: 38390840.DAT OP1490538874326

 2005   NOTE:  The IGS precise and IGS rapid orbits were not available

 2005   at processing time.  The IGS ultra-rapid orbit was/will be used to

 2005   process the data.


 6009   The OPUS-RS solution for the position of the rover has

 6009   failed to converge after 5 iterations. This could be due to

 6009   especially noisy data (among other reasons). If you really need

 6009   a position for this station, you might try another data set.

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  • Land Surveyor
    Thank you!
  • Land Surveyor

    2005 - I don't think the precise orbits are available for a week or so. The rapid orbits are available at midnight Greenwich time.

    6009 - Have you tried manually choosing which base stations to use? Also, are you just looking for a combined grid factor? I'll usually run RTK and then run a 20 minute static session on one of the points as a rough check and to get a CGF from OPUS. If you just need the CGF then:    

    R= 20,906,000
    H= ORTHO HEIGHT (just use an average elevation of the site)
    You can get the scale factor out of Civil3D with the Geodetic Calculator tool or from here
    I wouldn't use this for control, but maybe for a manhole you forgot to locate conventionally and want to push it out to a ground distance on a small site.
  • Land Surveyor

    If the prevous advice does not work, Try trimming 1-5 minutes off the beginning and end of your RINEX file.

  • the 2005 error is common - wait a few hours until after the end of the UTC day and try again - OPUS system hasn't updated yet.

    on the 6009 error - can you look at the data yourself?  if so look for the data slice thats got the longest stretch of 6 or more sats and lowest RMS error.  Trim the data file down to a few minutes before and after the good data and then resend.  But be sure you've still got at least 20 minutes of data.

    It never used to be a problem to clean sessions up like this

  • Land Surveyor

    How long was your session?  Also, you need to wait at least 17 hours from end of session before sending to OPUS.

  • Land Surveyor
    Also re-submit after 5 pm est the day after you logged the point. See if that improves things.
  • Government Professional

    Try hacking off a minute or three from the front or back end of the observation.

    WinTEQC Editor at is one way to manipulate RINEXv2-formatted files.

    WinTEQC Editor
  • Run through you're settings again for the base/reciever. Getting your types mixed in the settings will cause this problem. After this continue on with another observation and try to process the data set again.
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