I purchased Micro Survey for Android over a year ago beleiving that it would incorporate total station support in about 6 months. I used it for about 10 months with my emlid RS2 and it seemed to work ok.
Recently it has quit working and we are using Emlid Reachfiew 3 for all work with the RTK unit as I cant get the Microsurvey to connect properly for corrections as it used to.
Any way we recrntly purchased a new manual total station a GeoMax Zoom 40. I purchased the XPAD software and I guess it runs the machine correctly but it is impossible to
calculate new points and make changes in the field. I am a surveyor that does a lot of small stakeout jobs and am used to doing all the calculations in the field. I use an old HP48 with old
SMI card to do everything with an old Lieca instrument. What software can I use with my new manual total station that will enable me to quickly calculate points in the field? Does regular micro survey field genius allow that?
the Zoom 40 will let you install software on the machine if you want. stio
Any suggestions would be appreciated.