Land Surveyor

Assistance needed

Assistance needed:  I am building a chart of geoid heights going back to Geoid96.  All the epochs worked except I cannot make the older software for Geoid96 work.  When it should give me a list of geoid model files to use it llists none.  Yes, I've downloaded, unzipped and have them in the same folder.

If anyone has software NGS or otherwise that can generate Geoid96 geoid heights for 7 points in Louisiana and would volunteer to run it I would be deeply grateful.


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  • GEO Ambassador

    does this help?

  • Land Surveyor

    It is Geoid96.exe and the data file for CONUS.  Doesn't work on my machine, so wondering if maybe it works fior someone else.

    I have seven points to do.  One of them in case you want to test is: N30° by W90°  Should give a result in the neighborhood of -26.25m

    • GEOID96 (Version 3.10) Computes geoid height values for the conterminous United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Hawaii. GEOID96 consists of model geoid height values with a 2-minute by 2-minute spacing in latitude and longitude, and includes program GEOID for extracting and interpolating values from the model to discrete points.  GEOID96 displays about 2.5 cm accuracy (one sigma) between points spaced at 50 km or greater. GEOID96 supports direct conversion between NAD 83 GPS heights and NAVD 88 orthometric heights. Cost: $50 for GEOID96, DEFLEC96, and G96SSS on a single compact disk, or $30 for the first diskette and $15 for each additional diskette of the individual programs GEOID96, DEFLEC96, or G96SSS.
  • Party Chief

    i ressurrected a copy of the old software offerings from NGS..some link and some do not, but if you find the software in this list that you need, i'll try to work a little magic to track down a working program

    ADJUST (Version 4.30)
    Performs a least-squares adjustment on horizontal, vertical angle, and/or GPS observations. The program comprises six data checking programs in addition to the adjustment software. This software package has numerous options, such as choice of ellipsoid, and includes sample input data. The source code is also available.

    Suite of programs that are used in conjunction with PC program ADJUST. This group of programs includes:
    • BBACCUR which provides a formatted listing of the external and internal accuracies which have been computed by program ADJUST-- sorted in numerical ascending order of external accuracy. Output from program ADJUST, run with accuracies, is used as input.
    • CLUSTER used to identify geodetic stations which are common to two data sets with respect to name or a given position tolerance.
    • ELEVUP creates a bfile which combines the bfile output from the constrained horizontal adjustment with the bfile output from the constrained vertical adjustment. This new bfile contains *80* records with adjusted positions from the horizontal and *86* records with the ellipsoidal heights from the horizontal adjustment and the orthometric heights and geoid heights from the vertical adjustment.
    • ELLACC which computes ellipsoidal height order and class for a project. Output from program ADJUST, run with accuracies, is used as input.
    • MAKE86 which adds *86* records to the bfile. If the existing *80* records contain orthometric heights, these are added to the new *86* records.
    • MODGEE scales the standard errors assigned to the observations in the gfile. Input is a gfile and the scaling factor.
    • QQRECORD adds qq records to the Afile (used by program ADJUST) to compute accuracies for all observed lines. Either the gfile (for GPS projects) or the bfile (for classical terrestrial projects) can be used as input. 
    CALIBRAT (Version 1.0)
    This program is used to determine the scale and constant corrections for electronic distance measuring instruments by making measurements over previously determined base lines. The formulas used in the program are found in NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS-10, "Use of Calibration Base Lines."

    CARIB97 (Version 3.1)
    Specially designed software to compute geoid heights for the Caribbean Sea. Boundaries of area are defined as latitude 9-28N and longitude 86-58W. We suggest you read details before obtaining software.

    COMPGB (Version 1.1)
    Tests the consistency and compatibility of the Blue Book B file (GPS project and station occupation data) and G file (GPS vector data transfer file).

    CR8BB (Version 4.0)
    Reformats GPS project information to fit the requirements of the National Geodetic Survey data base. The file created, which is called the B-file, contains project information, station information, and survey measurements. The CR8BB software functions independently of the type of GPS receivers used in a project.

    CR8G (Version 1.1)
    Formats reduced vector data to Blue Book specifications.

    CR8SER (Version 1.1)
    Extracts data from GPS Blue Book G file to create a station serial number file (serfil) for GPS observations.

    DCAR97 (Version 3.1)
    Specially designed software to compute deflections of the vertical and Laplace corrections for the Caribbean Sea. Boundaries of area are defined as latitude 9-28N and longitude 86-58W. We suggest you read details before obtaining software.

    DDPROC (Version 2.33)
    This portion of program VFPROC organizes control point descriptions in accordance with the National Geodetic Survey's unified description format. This format eliminates the need for separate descriptions for horizontal, vertical, gravity, and satellite surveying points.

    DEFLEC96 (Version 3.10)
    Computes deflections of the vertical and Laplace corrections for the conterminous United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Hawaii. DEFLEC96 consists of model surface deflection of the vertical values, also with a 2-minute by 2-minute spacing. DEFLEC96 includes program DEFLEC for extracting and interpolating values from the model to discrete points. DEFLEC96 uses the same gravity and terrain data and GPS observations at leveled bench mark data sets that were used to compute GEOID96 (see below), ensuring compatibility. DEFLEC96 displays about 1 arc-second accuracy (one sigma) compared with astronomic and geodetic (NAD 83) latitudes and longitudes.

    DMEX97 (Version 3.10)
    Computes deflections of the vertical and Laplace corrections for Mexico. We suggest you read details before obtaining software.

    DSPLOT (Version 1.4)
    Digital Data Sheet (DSDATA) plot program. Used to plot DSX created index files on the terminal screen. DSX is the DSDATA extraction program. Although DSPLOT was primarily developed to work with DSDATA and DSX, the program will plot any file which is in the same format as a DSX created index file. The documentation file DSPLOT.DOT contains a sample of this format. Free with purchase of DSDATA

    DSSELECT (Version 3.4)
    Digital Data Sheet (DSDATA) Data Item Selection program. Allows for extraction of various data items from a DSDATA file into a seperate file. Output is one record per station with data items seperated by a delimiter for easy database loading. Free with purchase of DSDATA

    DSWIN (Version 1.7)
    DSWIN is windows based software for Data Sheet view and extraction. It displays a list of county names as found on your CD-ROM. Click on a county and a list of stations appears. Click on a station from the list and a data sheet appears. You may save the data sheet to a file or print it. The search feature allows for filtering the station list by: Point Radius, Min/Max Box, Station Name, or PID. You may also filter by type of control, such as first-order bench marks only

    DSX (Version 6.04)
    Digital Data Sheet (DSDATA) extraction program. Extracts data from a DSDATA file. Includes options to extract by Station Identifier, Station Name, Area, and more. Also includes utilities for manipulating the data such as joining two or more DSDATA files or splitting a DSDATA file into smaller files. Free with purchase of DSDATA

    ENHANCEMENTS (Version 20)
    Performs field check computations, such as tape standardization, eccentric reduction, datum transformation, triangle (plane, spherical, geodetic), special (three-point fix, intersection, resection), geodetic (traverse, inverse, direct) computations, solar observation for azimuth, and State plane coordinate system computations on the NAD 27 and NAD 83 datums.
    GEOID96 (Version 3.10) Computes geoid height values for the conterminous United States, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Hawaii. GEOID96 consists of model geoid height values with a 2-minute by 2-minute spacing in latitude and longitude, and includes program GEOID for extracting and interpolating values from the model to discrete points.  GEOID96 displays about 2.5 cm accuracy (one sigma) between points spaced at 50 km or greater. GEOID96 supports direct conversion between NAD 83 GPS heights and NAVD 88 orthometric heights. Cost: $50 for GEOID96, DEFLEC96, and G96SSS on a single compact disk, or $30 for the first diskette and $15 for each additional diskette of the individual programs GEOID96, DEFLEC96, or G96SSS.

    G96SSS (Version 3.10)G96SSS is a gravimetric geoid height model for the conterminous United States suitable for scientific investigations. Geoid heights are referred to GRS80 and computations are performed in the ITRF94 reference frame. G96SSS produces accuracies of 1 cm plus 1 part per million of the distance between selected points. G96SSS is not suitable for direct conversion between NAD 83 GPS heights and NAVD 88 orthometric heights.

    GPPCGP (Version 2.0)
    Converts NAD 27 State plane coordinates to NAD 27 geographic positions (latitudes and longitudes) and conversely. Includes defining constants for all NAD 27 plane coordinate zones.

    HTDP (Version 2.2)This horizontal time-dependent positioning program allows users to predict horizontal displacements and/or velocities at locations throughout the United States. This software also enables users to update geodetic coordinates and/or observations from one date to another.
    INTERORB (Version 1.0)Interpolates binary GPS orbit files with a record length of 52.
    LOOP (Version 4.03)Determines the loop misclosures of GPS base lines using the delta x, delta y, delta z vector components computed from a group of observing sessions.
    LVL_DH (Version 2.0)Estmates the leveled height difference between two bench marks by removing the orthometric correction from the differences of published heights.
    MEXICO97 (Version 3.10)Computes geoid height values for Mexico. We suggest you read details before obtaining software.

    MTEN4 (Version 20)
    Computes and verifies classical horizontal field observations (angles and distances), and formats these data to conform to Blue Book specifications. MTEN4 does not adjust field observations, but performs certain field check computations, such as triangle computations, distance reductions, and trigonometric height computations. MTEN4 allows four-digit station numbers and new position codes set forth in the Blue Book.

    NADCON (Version 2.1)
    Transforms geographic coordinates between the NAD 27, Old Hawaiian, Puerto Rico, or Alaska Island datums and NAD 83 values. Recommended for converting coordinate data for mapping, low-accuracy surveying, or navigation.

    PCVOBS (Version 2.10)
    Simplifies entering vertical observation data records into Blue Book format. The program formats the data onto a computer disk which can then be sent to NGS for further processing and incorporation of the data into the National Geodetic Reference System.

    PROMPTER (Version 1.0)
    Creates horizontal control point records in Blue Book format with geodetic positions in geographic coordinates, state plane coordinates, or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates.

    SPCS83 (Version 2.0)
    Converts NAD 83 state plane coordinates to NAD 83 geographic positions and conversely. Includes defining constants for NAD 83 coordinate zones. State plane coordinates are entered or computed to 1 mm accuracy, while the latitudes and longitudes entered or computed correspond to approximately 0.3 mm accuracy.

    TOLADD (Version 1.0)
    Adds a user-specified shift in seconds to each input latitude and longitude.

    UTMS (Version 1.1)
    Converts geographic coordinates (latitudes and longitudes) on the Clarke 1866, GRS 80/WGS 84, International, WGS 72, or any user-defined reference ellipsoid to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates, and vice-versa.

    VERTCON (Version 2.0)
    Computes the modeled difference in orthometric height between the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) for a given location specified by latitude and longitude. This conversion is sufficient for many mapping purposes.

    VFPROC (Version 3.33)
    Computes and verifies vertical field observations(leveling data), and formats these data to conform to Blue Book specifications. VFPROC does not perform a least squares adjustment, but checks the observational and descriptive data for completeness and consistency.

    Software For Mainframe Computers
    (Nine-track tape in ASCII format, programs not available for PC use)

    GCTP (Version 2.0.2)

     - Calculates transformations between any two of 20 separate map projections using either NAD 27 or NAD 83.

    GIANT (Version 4.0) - Computes ground coordinates of image points measured on two or more aerial photographs, propagates error estimates, and computes an estimated variance of unit weight.

    ITS (Version 1.0) - Combines programs GIANT and GCTP and includes cartographic transformation and interactive data entry features. The user's terminal must be compatible with the DEC VT100.

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