Assistance needed: I am building a chart of geoid heights going back to Geoid96. All the epochs worked except I cannot make the older software for Geoid96 work. When it should give me a list of geoid model files to use it llists none. Yes, I've downloaded, unzipped and have them in the same folder.
If anyone has software NGS or otherwise that can generate Geoid96 geoid heights for 7 points in Louisiana and would volunteer to run it I would be deeply grateful.
does this help?
It is Geoid96.exe and the data file for CONUS. Doesn't work on my machine, so wondering if maybe it works fior someone else.
I have seven points to do. One of them in case you want to test is: N30° by W90° Should give a result in the neighborhood of -26.25m
i ressurrected a copy of the old software offerings from NGS..some link and some do not, but if you find the software in this list that you need, i'll try to work a little magic to track down a working program
G96SSS (Version 3.10)G96SSS is a gravimetric geoid height model for the conterminous United States suitable for scientific investigations. Geoid heights are referred to GRS80 and computations are performed in the ITRF94 reference frame. G96SSS produces accuracies of 1 cm plus 1 part per million of the distance between selected points. G96SSS is not suitable for direct conversion between NAD 83 GPS heights and NAVD 88 orthometric heights.
HTDP (Version 2.2)This horizontal time-dependent positioning program allows users to predict horizontal displacements and/or velocities at locations throughout the United States. This software also enables users to update geodetic coordinates and/or observations from one date to another.
INTERORB (Version 1.0)Interpolates binary GPS orbit files with a record length of 52.
LOOP (Version 4.03)Determines the loop misclosures of GPS base lines using the delta x, delta y, delta z vector components computed from a group of observing sessions.
LVL_DH (Version 2.0)Estmates the leveled height difference between two bench marks by removing the orthometric correction from the differences of published heights.
MEXICO97 (Version 3.10)Computes geoid height values for Mexico. We suggest you read details before obtaining software.
GCTP (Version 2.0.2)
GIANT (Version 4.0) - Computes ground coordinates of image points measured on two or more aerial photographs, propagates error estimates, and computes an estimated variance of unit weight.
ITS (Version 1.0) - Combines programs GIANT and GCTP and includes cartographic transformation and interactive data entry features. The user's terminal must be compatible with the DEC VT100.