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  • I love puzzles... but i think we need to have the exact question to find out a clue... probably there are theoretical statements included in the question which corresponds to distance or angle. Basically, for me, base on the simple question of Abrar, there is no way to compute it... 

  • it is not a trick question it is invisible and impossible question, how you get the slope without the distance, please make a clear question and you can get a better reply. 

  • Hmmm... Ministry of water is a clue.  Lets say you set up a level with an HI of 1 metre.  If you have a long enough sight, the curvature of the earth will give you a rod reading greater than 1.  A little bit of trig should give you the answer.

  • I can't help but think that this is a trick question. The Earth is an irregular surface. There is no possible way to tell a distance between two points on the Earth using ortho elevations only without at least one other variable being provided. Perhaps the correct answer to the question is that other measurements are needed.
  • ok i will try to bring out but ministry not allow us to bring out question paper but i will send u to same question as written thnx for ur help and all others ur all good people again thnx 

  • Government Professional

    Abrar we like puzzles. Can we see the question from the ministry of water? Is it written in English...if so that would also help. Thanks Kevin.

  • dear toni thnx  but here this question not to me its in interview of ministry of water in saudi arbia and they said from 25 years only one person solve this question 

  • Dear Abrar it is impossible to calculate the horizontal or slope distances if you know only the elevation of the points. Only the vertical distances can be calculated. If you want to calculate the H or S distances you will need the slope. This to point could have the distances between them 0 m, imagine a building whit 0.00 m elevation on the ground floor and the second is above whit 10 m. Ask them more details about the points.

  • dear sir 

                i am a qualified surveyor this question not to me its from ministry of water saudi arbia during the interview     

  • GeoEducator


    if you are using a level you can find the distance between 2 points by observing the top stadia hair and the bottom stadia hair reading on your levelling staff 

    Subtract these reading and times by 100 get distance this should give you horizontal distance


    if you are using a total station you need to observe the middle hair as well and the vertical angle


    or the slope distance and the vertical angle to calculate horizontal distance

    hope this helps

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