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Topographic surveyor team needed

Opportunity for Topographic Survey Team Adventure

Be part of a film project up to a month in duration crossing untracked New Zealand rainforest in traditional clothing with old equipment of the 19th century for a documentary highlighting the lives of the surveyors who explored that country.

Applicants must have experience in basic map making, have a firm knowledge in traditional survey equipment and be able to make a map on site in wet conditions with minimal, antique tools.

The team must be focused on transporting equipment over mountains, through jungle and across major rivers by foot. There are no huts, tracks or bridges in the area which gets six meters of rain annually. Food is limited to biltong, salt, rice and what can be shot/foraged from the bush. Deer, pigs, eels and plants are in abundance in this area with no restrictions and open seasons for hunting.

The film unit and surveyors will be tracked by GPS, SatNav and beacon by a support team which includes paramedics, helicopter and ex-military personnel monitoring progress on google earth. ERV points will be available per valley and ridgeline for evac of any injured.

This is an extremely dangerous project in an area prone to avalanches, flooding and cold temperatures that kills the unwary. We will be using a compass without map to navigate, creating the map as we advance, demonstrating the conditions of our forebears' efforts to open up unchartered country. 

It is a unique opportunity for a team to experience and live the life of the original map makers in prime rainforest on a unique journey across stunning country with minimal comforts. Only the hardy should apply.

Contact Bernard Shapiro at [email protected] with your expression of interest, your CV and your outdoors experience. The expedition is expected to take place in February 2013 depending on funding availability.

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  • Thanks,,I have a feeling that this is going to be a great adventure..look forward to see the end product. Most part of South Island esp. the west is obscenely beautiful but it can be unforgiving at times..All the best to you and your team..

  • NorthWest South Island.

    Google earth it, draw a line from 8km nth of Karamea to Takaka and you have the 'route'.

  • I presume the area is in the southern part of south island? Is this correct?

  • On Monday the first reconnaissance of the initial route will be conducted by the director and producer, taking 3 days in untracked forest to check on the passability of the second ridge.

    As yet, no links are available for no web pages are as yet set up.

    We are seeking able bodied interest for intent to take part.

    Once a promotable product is realised, a page will be created but will be closed to all but production cast and crew.

    Bernard Shapiro

  • Wow, if ten years ago I would have jumped at this..

    Anyone aware of the status of the project now? Link?

This reply was deleted.

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