Hi allI am insearch of a user manual for a topcon GTS 250 urgently. Please email me if you can assist or send me a copy please to [email protected] it for training purposesHope some one out there can helpThanksRolita from the most southern point in Africa.

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  • GeoEducator

    Hi Rolita,

    If you go on the TOPCON website, the manuals are available for free to download in PDF contact me if you have any difficulty.


  • GeoEducator

    Has this manual been found yet? I need a copy of it as well. If you already got it, please, let me know. Thank you. I just bought a used GTS-255 from eBay, but it came without the manual. Not easy to find on the Internet. Thank you.

  • HI Rolita, I am a member of the HP calculator support Forum Group. I like to invite you to take advantage of HP calculators Emulators for Educators. Any of your colleagues can also request this for their class room in your school . There was also a loan programs for real calculators for your classroom.I have misplaced this link when i find it I will send it to you.There are also other links for these calculators and free survey software.this will be good even for your beginning  level students,They can use the HP 35s emulators they work in both modes RPN and algebraic, just to the math in your class.There are also algebraic emulator types like the HP 300's series  and others.You can also search South African HP site's for these Educator support programs.

    Best Wishes,


    HP Calculator Emulators for Educators
    HP Calculator Emulators for Educators
    • Hi  Rolita, I found this link,  for some reason, i do not know why i could not locate this at HP site. They will loan you 4 to 10 HP Prime calculators for 2 weeks. You may have to connect with HP South Africa . Anyway both sites can give you more info. I have a links to down load the Prime emulator and kits  , I would have to find them too. I can get them,   they are as good as the calculator in a class room. But here is this link for the loans.

  • Hi again ,I did find Sales network link to South Africa it gives phone numbers  and contacts , just go to products, total stations, scroll down to sales networks then down to South Africa, click on  topconpositioning eu/ then ( contact us) this is there info link for information. you will see the South Africa link in Sales Network where this link is. and the phone numbers . Some one there can tell you how to get this manual.they only give these manual to repair tech, dealers, and some one who has just purchase this instrument. Do you not have the instrument ?. Since you are a teacher they may help you..Who every purchased the instrument can get a manual .this manual has not been release to the public yet. that why you can not find it. and why it is not on there downloads yet.          this will take you to the link below

    [email protected]                    GO here for information

  • Hi Rolita , Have you tried contacting Topcon Support.I am sure they would help you with any info you need for your school.These sites sometimes make it hard to contact a real person at first. I did find several contact links, but see what you can find.also like for you to know that HP has a support program for teachers and students,  a lot of free stuff, and loans to you and your students. I did not find the GTS 250 , I do not know if it has not been released yet but here is their  downloads , there are some on GTS 220 and 230  do not know how much different the 250 is  from them.

    billy                manuals downloads                  this is there home page

    TOPCON Positioning DOWNLOAD & SUPPORT User's Manual
    • GeoEducator


      did look at that website there was not one for that specific instrument 

      i did send them a message aswel


  • GEO Ambassador

    Hope this helps...

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