Now Solomiyka is a patient at Children's Hospital of Cincinnati, USA (Ohio). Price of Life - $ 319,735, accumulated on 10/10/12 - $ 153,442, Remains collect 166 293 $!
To aid Solomyy on expense Clinic Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA:
Bank Name: PNC Bankcorp
Bank address: 201 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
ABA # 041000124
Swift Code: PNCCUS33
Account Name: Children's Hospital Medical Center
Account number: 4006905132
Ref: for treatment of S. Alfavitska
Funds from a bank card (with any cards VISA and MasterCard) can be transferred to paypal fund "AdVita" (USA), the following link:
Solomiia Alfavitska is only 6 years old little girl, but her childhood has already finished when her parents received a result of a medical research with a hard diagnosis - neuroblastoma - cancer...
To save her life we need to gather $ 131.450. It is a big amount of money and time flies too quick ... If the treatment is stopped, all Solomii
Solomiia now is in the hospital - Cincinnati Children`s Hospital Medical Center, USA. She is fighting so hard. She is a very brave little girl, who has no doubt of winning and dreams to be healthy again! We can make her dreams true... But only all together! Please help to save the life of the child!
Not everyone can help by money, but everyone can press "I like" and "Share" - just two clicks - it is so easy! But a lot of people will see this message and together we will save this small, beautifull girl.
...Children must not die because of lag of money for their treatment...
How you can help:
For donations:
1) directly to Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA:
Bank Name: PNC Bankcorp
Bank address: 201 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
ABA# 041000124
Swift Code: PNCCUS33
Account Name: Children's Hospital Medical Center
Account number: 4006905132
Ref: for treatment of S. Alfavitska
2) РауРаl -
3) WEBMONEY Z208774995680 (USD), E275866628359 (Euro)
More details you could find here:
web-site: ; helping groups: ; ;
For us starts a new day for these children - hour countdown!
In the morning, when bizhete by subway to work, think that the evening will be for 40 seconds more ...
Every day on sites dedicated to kids with cancer volunteers and parents cry for help, asking for help to buy medicines. This medication is important for these children today and now. They literally depends on a child's life is trying to kill the cancer.
Just for a minute look around. 10 dollars literally save someone's life. Child's Life!