Student Surveyor

Hi everyone,

I would like to ask some questions regarding a highway surveying project...

Can anyone list out any software usually use for a highway surveying project purposes???

I really appreciate some of your knowledge...





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  • I use Carlson CAD and Carlson CE

  • Land Surveyor

    The powerful software for the design of highways is AutoCad Civil 3D. If you know Russian language you could use Russian road design software Topomatic Robur Roads :)

  • A little more information would be needed however I have used MicroStation and Geopak to develop a DTM of the project. This is generally essential if GPS guided or robotic motor controls are to be used on equipment. However it could be as simple as user defined alignments and profiles in your DC software. Carlson, TDS, Trimble and the like. For field input I prefer Carlson with the roading module. TDS later versions have been dumbed down and require more office input. No more field input horz, vert alignment/templates in the latest versions of TDS even with roading. I believe we can thank Trimble for this as it seems they would prefer everyone use their software.  On the simpler side, I still find use for my old trusty 48 with survey pro but not a fluid workflow and manual only but will work in a pinch.

  • Land Surveyor


    I recommend SBG Geo. The Swedish program. It is quite simple and intuitive. It has many features that are helpful when building of roads. Only it is not free software.



  • High.

    In Australia,New Zealand,Middle East and a few other places most surveyors doing highway surveys use 12d model.

    I used to work for the main road authority in Queensland and thats all we used as surveyors.

  • Hi Ezzra, I do not know what kind you are looking for ,But look at MN dot software i am sure you could use MNcogo 32 and there might be more here that you can use ,They also have HP calculator programs if you use them. but go here and look, there is more here than programs for that state.


    MnDOT Survey Tools and Technology
    The Minnesota Department of Transportation provides its home page with links to its regional offices, bid letting, construction, future highway plans…
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