We have decided to try out a new feature here on Land Surveyors United that we plan to call "Surveyor Talk In Radio." This new feature (STIR) will be a terrific way for those in the network who spend little time on the internet but would like to contribute more to the network. Every Friday from this point on, we will air the call-ins as a broadcast radio for land surveyors around the world to discuss their profession and the state of the geospatial industry in their geographical area. Basically, this feature will work like this:
Step One:You simply make a call to 646-543-5781 and after the greeting, speak clearly and leave a message for the community. At the beginning of your message, state your username on Land Surveyors United if you would like for us to attribute your comment to your profile.
Step Two:Come back to Land Surveyors United on Fridays and listen to all of the voice messages that have been left by your fellow members. It is important that you speak clearly so that we have an understandable voice message. You can leave the message in any language you speak, but preferably english.
Each week we will roll out a new theme and topic of conversation. Each week you can call in and air your opinion on that topic and/or anything else related to the industry that you care to express, but do not have the time to type out or post during the work week. This new experimental service will begin tomorrow (Friday Nov 8.) and will last forever or until it has been determined that the service is not of interest. We hope to get as much representation as possible from all areas of the world. If you like, you can also click-to-call from your pc or mac below.
Theme #1: Surveyor Education and Continuing Education for Land Surveyors
This theme will last from November 8th - November 14th. Call in and tell us anything that is on your mind related to this topic.
Kennedy, this will be maintained internally, within the Land Surveyors United Network.
Ok.. great !
WOW... THIS IS SO COOL... This is just too crazy..
My only concern is how it will be maintained ..... But WELL-DONE GUYS, U ROCK
Great indeed and very innovative
I see another line of support in the making. Where else can you find almost 4,000 land surveyors around the world that are only one phone call away?
Are you serious? This is phenomenal! I'm calling in now!