Land Surveyor
My instrument recently started to measure erratic distances to prisms. Sometimes, it measures as little as 1.5 feet, more often, it measures about 2.4 feet. In all instances, the prism is at least 50 feet away in good atmospheric conditions. This began the day after working in light rain. Sometimes, when I attempt a distance, you will hear a fast clicking sound, not the usual two or three clicks before returning a distance.Any idea what this might be? I think it is related to moisture, but a recent trip to my local Leica store hasn't shown any issues when attempting a measurement failure.

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  • HI

    What kind of measurement settings do you use?
    standard, fast, averaged or tracking?
    Do you have to try to change the atmosphere and the measuring settings!
    Maybe help to you.
    I have a TS15A robotic tstation and the weather is bad for example normal rain and the worst fog, i can't measure nothing btw!

    if your problem is often occurs (not in rain) then is the instrument fault!

  • Land Surveyor
    I have seen this with my TCRP 1203 but it seems to be when I am close to my radio range limit, but have seen it in closer measurements as well and I believe it is due to battery power is getting low. I typically will try to stay out of rain as much as possible but I know sometimes the job needs to be finished regardless of weather, but haven't had issues in rain. Are you using the Leica 360 prism?
  •  Hi Rick, What about the Prism, how wet did it get,try a different prism,this may not be the problem

    but moisture in either one is not good.  Even if they are made for it. Does the prism look milky or can you see moisture in it. Always leave the Ibox open after a rainy day,good practice at any time so moisture will not built up in the box where your instrument is close up in it. Let it air out. lots of damage if moisture get inside the gun. You changed any settings on shots for these fast clicks like tracking.

    Best reguards


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