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We are committed to allowing freedom of expression for all of our members, and that includes maintaining a safe space for people with opposing views to express themselves. We get posts from all over the country and even the globe, so needless to say, people come with different viewpoints on lad surveying practices and processes. We see this diversity and variety as a real strength-- dialogue and debate are an integral part of the educational process, as well as an important tool in exploring different sides of complex issues.
@Kevin: Nice to see your credentials! On one occasion I surveyed a mental institution and found that the patients (a.k.a. people) were quite pleasant. If only I could be that complacent I would have no reason to complain about things like LightSquared:
-Scott D. Warner, R.L.S.
Land Surveyors are among a group of professionals that abide by a code of ethics. This code extends beyond the laws, standards, and practices that typically define the profession to the general public. It has been passed down through the generations of surveyors as an archetype.
-Scott D. Waner, RLS