how to maintain CPD for surveyor ?
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how to maintain CPD for surveyor ?
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Professional Development
Home / Spatial Professionals / Professional Development
SSSI’s Professional Development Program (PDP) seeks to support the lifelong learning of spatial professionals through a structured support program that delivers a variety of learning opportunities and outlets. The Program is a structured set of offerings that allows for flexibility so that members can develop and maintain high-value knowledge and practice.
The Program also seeks to protect the market reputation of their members, and ensure a high level of quality assurance can be supplied to all members of the community. The Professional Development program upholds these requirements and adds greater credibility and reliance on the service spatial professionals provide.
Members who participate in SSSI’s Professional Development Program receive a number of intrinsic and extrinsic benefits, including the:
- Insurance of currency of knowledge and skills;
- Opportunity to be innovative and develop new ideas;
- Enhancement of career progression;
- Demonstration of commitment to lifelong learning;
- Involvement in numerous networking opportunities with like minded professionals.
There are a number of paths professional development can take:
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Certification Program
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