Happy Father’s Day?
Today we celebrate Father’s Day in the United States to recognize all the great things that fathers contribute to society. A father is the progenitor of a child and in order to be one you must possess little more than the ability to fertilize a human female egg with your sperm. This does not seem much of a quality in a male to celebrate when we see that 35% of children in the United States are living in single parent homes. There does not seem to be much to celebrate about “Father’s Day” when we read the headlines daily about some of the horrors “Fathers” visit upon the females and the children of this world. Rape, incest, sex slavery and children being forced to wed occur often in this world of mere “Fathers.”
From age of 6 through 10 I was raised by a single mother. I was the oldest child of 4 siblings and had a younger brother and two younger sisters. I did not see my father for almost 10 years and often life was very hard and cruel for us during that period. If celebrating just any father is what Father’s Day is about then I don’t want any part of it.
How about instead of Father’s Day we celebrate “Real Men's Day”. I would celebrate a day about Men who would stand up to protect and provide for a female or a child in this world. I would celebrate a day about Men who would leave this world a better place for the children and their children. I would celebrate Men who will provided for the children of this world a safe and healthy environment; real Men who are benevolent, loving and nurturing, real Men who seek a world of peace and harmony. That is what I would celebrate.
So count me out when it comes to Father’s Day. This day will always by “Real Men’s Day” for me and so for all of those Real Men out there I raise my hat to you. This day is for you!
Happy “Real Men’s Day!” And I hope someday we can make every day “Real Men’s Day”.
Hello Deward,
Thanks for sharing....my older son who has been back from Afghanistan now for over a year and my younger son are both as good as they can be. I try to spend as much time with both as possible, it is a blessing to see them. You must be a good father, its not easy to say the things that people know about but are unwilling to talk about.
Take care, Paul