Search Results (287)
Just wanted to take a moment to tell you all how thankful we are for this community and for you. I hope you are all enjoying time with your family.
I am using Trimble R10 GPS receiver anTSC3 data logger and Trimble Access soft ware. I will grateful if any one help me on this. I want know how can I delete Survey Style also how can I delete a job from TSC3 or Trimble access .
We’ll show you ours if you show us yours!
At KPI we know why you already use or really want a Robotic Total Station. The remote operation allows for a one-man operation saving money and increasing efficiency. We can show you how to use any brand to maximize the benefits, we can show you how to take proper care of an RTS, we can even show you how we calibrate them.
What can you show us?
Send us pictures of your RTS operating in the wild, either doing actual survey work or go all Warhol on it. Everyo
In any industry, you have to know your position on the market. Your position on the market means that by compared with your competitors, what are the different values you bring to customers and how to embody your values in the meantime. In the industry where you’re in, what you need to do is to set up and maintain the relationships with your customers.
Is there any way to gather what your customers think?
How do you judge the market ? By your experience or data analysis? But no matter how, you n
Two apprentices were sent to measure a flag pole, and after trying to measure with tape, which bent and fell, trying to climb and sliding down and measuring the shadow but not knowing what to do with it, a salty old party chief noticed their dilema and ask what their problem was. The said they need to find out how high the pole was, the Chief grunted and retrieved a wrench from his truck, unbolted the pole, laid it down and measured it, 45 feet he exclaimed, and walked away, The two apprentices
Two apprentices were sent to measure a flag pole, and after trying to measure with tape, which bent and fell, trying to climb and sliding down and measuring the shadow but not knowing what to do with it, a salty old party chief noticed their dilema and ask what their problem was. The said they need to find out how high the pole was, the Chief grunted and retrieved a wrench from his truck, unbolted the pole, laid it down and measured it, 45 feet he exclaimed, and walked away, The two apprentices
"If life were perfect, we would all paint, we would all play an instrument, we would all dance. But because we know that life isn’t always perfect, we have to have dance, we have to have music, to remind us how good life can be." – Suzanne Farrell
Paper maps are becoming obsolete. A talk about the lack of accuracy in our GPS. You will want to watch this video talk: Todd Humphreys: How to fool a GPS
This is why we ALL NEED to participate in Survey Earth in a Day 2.0. Only the members of this network have the capability of changing the state of GPS accuracy.
Less than 18 days until we measure the planet as a community during the course of a single day. Get involved!
I have problems with GPS controller display.
Protective folio is scratched on some places, and on these places loses function of touch screen.
How can this be repaired (replaced)? What is the price of repairs?
How wide is a property line? You may be asking yourself "Did he say that out loud"? Well, Yes I did. And here are the potential reasons why; see which one you can identify most with, then think about your own reason and add to the list. I will list the first three (3) and you provide the rest. First comment should be begin with the number four (4).
- It has no width. It is an abstract line;
- It is as wide as the corner markers are;
- It's as wide as you and your neighbor agree that it is.
I am interested in possibly starting up my own private land surveying business. I was just looking for some information and/or tips from some people that have done this and been through it themselves. With the amount of money needed to get into the business, i would hate to start off wrong. Some questions i would have are:
How much money would I be looking at to buy all the equipment and to get my business going?
How do I begin to determine what a person should charge when running a business
Those new to the surveying industry most always need a little know-how and in efforts to support this need, LSU provides the absolute best and simple platform for publishing such How-To discussions and articles. So today let's talk about what an effective How-To tutorial contains. A 'How-To' tutorial is by far one of the most common post types used by almost every blogger, writer or expert online. Why? Because people search for answers when they don't have them already. Inherently, 'How-To' po
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Introduction: When the Sun Dictated Life
Before clocks and calendars, there was the Sun. Its daily journey across the sky, its seasonal rise and fall on the horizon—these patterns…
This was one for the ages as they say! The guys were joined this week by two heavyweights in the land survey world. Mike #1 is Mike Banta, PLS who has been surveying for nearly 40 years and is the Survey Manager at Rick Engineering Company. Mike…
(Mapping the Heavens: How Celestial Alignment Shaped Prehistoric Surveying – Blog 1/5)
Introduction: When the Sky Became the First Surveyor
Long before compasses,…