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GEO Ambassador

Congratulations to Justin and Scott and the entire team that helps make this site possible, a lot of hard work has been put into Land Surveyors United up to this point. Also thank you to all members that have been a part of posting questions and answers, as well as any content. Just to see so many of you sharing your knowledge is a blessing to me. It hasn't always been that way, but it has always been more blessed to give than let's all give back to a community that will be everlasting with knowledge, for generations in the future will benefit from your discussions and content.  If you put some time and effort into sharing your knowledge, I guarantee that you will become 5000 times the surveyor!

GREAT JOB to EVERYONE...5000 members!  Wow..

Also a special appreciation from me to my son..Justin Bradley Farrow  for creating such a master piece for me  your Dad

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  • Survey Legend

    Wow... we have come a long way in just 2 years!

  • Land Surveyor

    I am very honored to be a part of this "great thing" called Land Surveyors United.

    When I arrived home, last night, from a meeting with the Southwest Chapter of the Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS), it was apparent that Land Surveyors United is not happening without notice, and not without recognition.  

    The "keynote speaker", Diana Arendt, R.L.S. with the Wisconsin Height Modernization Program.  delivered a power point presentation with a pleasant surprise on the last slide with content.  It listed 7 "cool websites" and was one of them.  Of course, I made comment that I am the Senior Director / Editor of the (network) site.  She said "I love that website", with a smile, and led a moment of applause.  At that moment I realized that my efforts had not gone unpaid.

    Scott D. Warner, R.L.S.

    Senior Director / Editor

    Land Surveyors United 


    Home - Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors
    The Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors (WSLS) is a statewide volunteer organization committed to the advancement of the surveying profession. The WS…
  • Survey Legend

    All I can say is it's a GREAT day to be a land surveyor!

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