Land Surveyor

I have agreed to speak October the 28th, 2020 at an 8 hour webinar titled Texas Professional Land Surveying Law and Ethics. I will be covering compliance and enforcement procedures, minimum standards of practice and professional responsibility and rules of conduct, established by codified Texas law regulating land surveyors. I have spoken at many of theses seminars and the last one I did had more than 30 Land Surveyors in attendance. Halfmoon has not yet posted a link to sign up but I hope you will join me for this education opportunity.

#education #Land #Surveyors #codified #law #webinar

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  • Land Surveyor

    Now would be a good time to start again with this seminar especially in light of the recent formation of the Texas Board of Professinal Engineers & Land Surveyors last year. I'd wait until June of 2021 because there's a whole lot of legislative items that need to be taken care of before TBPE+LS is one big happy family. The first one is doing away with the 4 year degree requirement and letting an Associates degree suffice for Land Surveying Registrartion. 

  • Survey Legend

    Awesome Karl!    When you have the information, please post it as a Webinar inside the Virtual Geo Hub as an event and i bet we can triple that attendance!  

    Virtual Geo Hangouts
    Geo Hangouts is a Virtual Events hub for Land Surveyors United members for sharing your LIVE and upcoming Webniars, Live Streams and  Virtual Confere…
  • Survey Legend

    Good to see you back Karl...  looking forward to the Webinar

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