If you could change just one thing about the land surveying industry where you live, what would it be?
It could be anything from education, to your state government to public perception of land surveyors...you name it! What would it be?
If you could change just one thing about the land surveying industry where you live, what would it be?
It could be anything from education, to your state government to public perception of land surveyors...you name it! What would it be?
You need to be a member of Land Surveyors United - Surveying Education Community to add thoughts!
We are committed to allowing freedom of expression for all of our members, and that includes maintaining a safe space for people with opposing views to express themselves. We get posts from all over the country and even the globe, so needless to say, people come with different viewpoints on lad surveying practices and processes. We see this diversity and variety as a real strength-- dialogue and debate are an integral part of the educational process, as well as an important tool in exploring different sides of complex issues.
If I could change just one thing it would be to adjust the attitudes of those of us who are living in the past.
That itself show the strength of the profession,I bet the surveyors blood should run in every one who are at it,but not in the impostors(sorry to use this word)'I will ask anybody to leave our profession!! Without diverting this to any other way.
Thanks for the valuable discussions in LSU,
Thank you Mr.JUSTIN
I would like to change the respect for the profession. I honestly dont believe that it is respected as it should be. Surveyors are practically the first line of defense in any land based project.
I would change the propensity for some to consider Surveying an "industry" instead of a profession.
Attitude ain't everything, but without a good attitude success ain't likely.
I would like to see surveyors charging fees that are commensurate with their experience and job costs. For thirty years I have seen this profession deliver wonderful advancements with technology but on the other hand undercut itself on chargeout rates.