i want to plot my topographic results in autocad 2011. but im only a beginner in autocad. please help.. any advice would be much appreciated
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i want to plot my topographic results in autocad 2011. but im only a beginner in autocad. please help.. any advice would be much appreciated
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Somewhere down the line you may want to create a template dwg that processes your field codes into line work. This book is a good resource....I've set up several templates for different companies and can be of assistance. Good luck!
Hello Jetro,
I hope I can be of some assistance.
When you save your data I would advise that you save it as a .txt file in a place you can find.
In Autocad go to the insert tab.
From the left of the page go to the third column and click "Points from File".
On the import points screen hit the plus sign (+).
Find your file and open it.
Under specify point file format scroll down to PNEZD (comma delimited) and click it.
In the preview be sure the values match up(Point#, Northing, Easting, Elevation).
Click OK.
Then in the command type ZE for zoom extend
All of your points that you collected should be there.
If you need more help feel free to ask and I will reply as soon as I can. Have a good week and always be safe and professional!
What form is your data in?
Is it traverse shots, grid or a table of co-ordinates?
It is a table of co-ordinates sir,
I was hoping some user of Autocad would reply with a simple answer..
More information:-
What is the format of the co-ordinate table?
1. North, East, Elev.
2. East, North, Elev.
3. Point No., North, East, Elev.
4. Point No., East, North, Elev.
**Is there a column with a description (or feature code) following the elevation?**
**Are the values separated by commas (as above), spaces or tabs?**
I can give an answer that involves importing the co-ords into FreeCOGO then exporting to AutoCAD as a DXF file.
If this is suitable:-
Download the required version of FreeCOGO here:-
(Whole circle, clockwise bearings from north and eastings before northings)
FreeCOGO Quadrant
(Quadrant bearings [N25°15'W] and northings before eastings.
This will only import the points into AutoCAD.
If you want to contour the result you will need some software plugin.
Barry Graham
Melbourne, Australia