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Hi everyone

I want to know the procedure or software by which we can achieve high accuracy topographical data. Actually i need natural ground level points. Job site is Saudi Arabia UTM 38 North.


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  • Seeking Employment

    use a total station, most online data are prone to errors and need adjustments as provided for by the data source.

  • Not a Surveyor

    Dear Mr. Waqar

    there's no website or way to have what you are looking for out of the topographical instruments which you know them for sure .all specialized website whom providing you only with the surveying data with the high errors like ( .that should mean to go to the site and make your own readings .

    SRTM 90m Digital Elevation Data
    SRTM 90m DEM Digital Elevation Database
    • Thanks Ek halaby

  • Land Surveyor

    actually, what you want would be pretty simple with Drone Based Aerial Technology, by a license land surveyor..

  • Dear all

    I am not asking how to perform topographic survey.

    I am asking that is this possible to receive continuous topo points of natural ground from online source, if possible then what will be its accuracy and what is that source.

    • Land Surveyor

      There is someone out there who probably provides something that looks like what you want. I doubt any responsible professional surveyor would vouch that it should be considered "high accuracy" without doing a check topo - at which point, why not get the good stuff by continuing to finish a good topo?

      Best wishes,


      •  Thank you,Mr Cavell . and by the way I really like your Closing Corner -Epiloque and all the good advice you gave before it.

        Best regards,


  • Retired Surveyor

    Hello all millimeter-hunters !

    To my classic opinion I think it necessary to :

    ● take care of a solidly equated 'backbone';

    ● take your time;

    ● be sure that you're making use of reliably callibrated equipment;

    ● work always (as we Dutch say) from the large into the small ;-);

    ● behave as a surveyor should behav: be a perfectionist !

  • Hi mohammad waqar,

     I am a little confused with your question,sorry for this,but your profile says you have been working as a surveyor for one year. Have you not done a topo in that time or are you asking how to do this with higher accuracies  than what you have done. Since you have so little experience, are you not working with someone with this experience to show you how a topo is done.  That is my question. So are you asking how to do a Topo. ???

  • Land Surveyor
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