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Student Surveyor

Good day.

I have recently started on a project where we are limited to software. I hope one of you will be able to help me. Is it possible in any way to Calculating the intersection of 3 coordinate points by means of excel. We have to survey plummet on pipes that is standing vertical up, and I wanted to know if there is a way of making it a bit more efficient then calculating each one with cogo as there is about a 125 Pipes  

kind regards 

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  • Not a Surveyor

    If you know the radius of the pipes already you could get the centre coords of the pipes by measuring the angle from one side of the pipe to the other side of the pipe, I.e if the instrument is set up and coordinated jot down the bearing of one side of the pipe and then turn to the other side of the pipe and jot down the bearing of the other side of the pipe. One bearing subtract the other bearing will give you the angle. Divide the angle by two and add the answer  to the first bearing and this will give you the centre point on the pipe to turn off to. You could now either set your prism constant at the pipe radius to get the centre point of the pipes instantly or you could work them out later if you coordinate the centre point on the surface face of the pipe. Just use Brg and dist and add the pipe radius to your distance to get centre point of pipe. (Unscrew the mini prism from the mount to hold against the pipe, or use reflector-less or retro targets to do the job.)

    • Not a Surveyor

      Just to add to my last post you do need to know the thickness of steel of the pipe for centre point accuracy if it's not included in the radius.

  • Greetings,

    At the risk of sounding self serving, I do many surveys that involve round tanks and pipes for Sewer Treatment plants.  I have written software for Windows PC's that visually computes all survey functions.  One of the routines is to calculate the radius point of 3 different points which are supposed to be on the same circumference.  You might try it.  I have had discussions with several surveyors from Australia and while my software works great, they are accustomed to azimuth bearings and a reversal of Northing/Easting to Easting/Northing in printouts etc.  But it works with meters, feet, chains as long as the project does not need to switch back and forth.

    Hope this helps.


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