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GEO Ambassador

Surveyors...Ask Your Friends to Join our Network

Just imagine how nice it would be to have all of your work buddies on LSU, so that you can transfer files, learn about new technologies and share tips. Making this happen is easy...just get their email address the next time you see them and invite them to the group. We already have the largest group membership of international surveying professionals on the web....why not increase our reach! Pretty soon we will be naming representatives for every state and country on LSU...Wouldn't you like more
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The plain fact in this recesion is that consumer shopping habits have changed - They are fearfull and reluctant to spend money. There is so much uncertainty with their jobs, and the economy as a whole, who could blame them? In today’s tough economic times it is imperative to know, and understand why, your customers are, or are not, buying your services.

3 Strategies for Getting Frugal Consumers' to Buy

  • Make it easy for your customers to find you and your services. With slow times, it’s a great tim
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Galileo In-Orbit

One Year in Space for Galileo In-Orbit Validation ElementThe GIOVE-A, the first Galileo satellite, has now been in orbit for one year. This pilot satellite is a key element of the Galileo program, bringing the Galileo frequencies into use, testing new critical technologies and characterizing the medium Earth orbit environment. To read more, visit the ESA website.Despite the collapse of Galileo's original plan for funding...the European Union's public-private partnership (PPP)...the Galileo proje
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Saved by the Robot

Saved by a Robot at the ParkIt was a noisy balmy day at the Hudson Riverside State Park. As renovations on an existing road was laid out by my partner and I. A crowded work site as everything in NYC is. However we managed to get in do the work as the ground under our feet shook as the excavation began. We took our Trimble S6 Robot and set it up to begin our layout. My Partner (Veteran Surveyor/Marine Sergeant)took his 16 plus years of experience and laid out the equipment. Only to realize that t
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Views: 174
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Change is a comin...

Well today is George Bush's last day as president. Even through all of the crap and media bashing I think George was a great president. I am looking forward to see how the next four years are going to turn out. I think Obama's heart and mind is in the right place, but I am wary of the people behind him. Ayway, Hail to the Chief.MMc
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Views: 48
Thoughts: 1

When Eagles fly

When Eagles flyA cold Decembrrr morning would find me in the Western NY Hills of Monticello. My partner and I surveying a hillside for a construction crew. Taken by a movement across the big blue sky. A brisk south easterly wind filled the sprawling wing span of a bald eagle moving it directly into our sight path. The eagle climbing higher and higher turned its circles of flight into a hypnotic trance. For a moment we just starred at this pristine natural beauty. Emmm I can still see the white t
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Autodesk has released its AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 Update 2. This update may contain fixes for issues you have been experiencing and also contains all the fixes included in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 Update 1, AutoCAD 2009 Update 1, AutoCAD 2009 Update 2, and AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Update 1.

The updates and fixes are too numerous to list here, but a link is available to the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 ReadMe file and a link to the update to your AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 download file at:

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 Update

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Trimble 5800/5700 Initialization problems

We've had the Trimble 5800/5700 RTK set up for some time and we have had problems with it from day one. Poor initiallization taking over 45 minutes. Poor performance with the the Trim Mark radios or the Airlink mobile units. Has anyone had these problems and figured out a work around? We've played with settings but to no avail.
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Land Surveyor

Civil 3D Volumes

Does anybody out there know how to get a comprehensive volume report out of AutoCAD Civil 3D.So far I have only been able to get a three line report showing cut, fill and nett but I would really like something a little more intensive.Heres hoping someone out there knows more than me.Thanks for your helpDarrenNoble Consulting SurveyorsSurveying Western Australia
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Views: 93
Thoughts: 2

I ran across something unusual the other day.

I'm by no means a computer geek so I will try to explain this the best I can. I was working on an AutoCAD drawing and had the drawing minimized so it was using half of the monitor's screen area. On the other half of the screen I was viewing a survey of record available online from the County Surveyor's office as a .tiff file which is made available by way of a Java application or platform (not sure of the correct terminology here). Well anyway I walked away from my computer for a while and when
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GEO Ambassador

You know...Any of you can post Here

Just in case it isn't as self-evident as I think it is, this space is for any of you to post your breaking news or interesting anything you deem newsworthy, as long as it has to do with the fantastic world of surveying of course...In other words, this blog is your blog to the community! Use it with authority and share...

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GEO Ambassador
Need a gift idea for that hard working surveyor in your life? Would you like to have a banded shirt or hat for the field, with the LSU logo? I've got the perfect thing! Visit the new store for land surveyors and feast your eyes on these handsome goods.
Now LSU members can order tshirts, hoodies, sweatshirts and golf shirts with the Land Surveyors United Logo right from this new hacker safe store that I set up. You can pay with any method of payment and they will be shipped right to you just in ti
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GEO Ambassador

New Profile Info

You can now add other social networks that you belong to within your LSU profile. This is a terrific way to build even stronger bonds with your friends and other members of the community. Simply go to "My Page" and edit your profile questions at the top. Obviously, the more profile questions that you answer, the better you look to search engines and credibility in the group. For example, take a look at the page I made for my father, Skip:
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I recently was making a new friend on Land Surveyors United and he sent me an email with a quick note implying that the economy wasn’t too good where he worked and jokingly made reference to going “mining” if things don’t pick up. What caught my attention is when he mentioned that 2 months ago he was “flat out” and now has very little work. This didn’t surprise me and I now know, from experience, that this is just the beginning for him, and things may get worse.

If you look at the timeline listed

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In these tough economic times new work is harder and harder to come by. While cost cutting is so very important, you shouldn't cut back too much on your marketing efforts, if you can afford it. Some of the following strategies to get more work, however, cost very little and can be implemented quickly.

  1. Call Your Existing Clients: Call your existing clients to see how they're doing and ask if they're considering any new work to let you give them a price. You should always keep in regular contact wi
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EP185 - FIG Young Surveyors via GeoRadio- All Land Surveyor Podcasts in One

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