The plain fact in this recesion is that consumer shopping habits have changed - They are fearfull and reluctant to spend money. There is so much uncertainty with their jobs, and the economy as a whole, who could blame them? In today’s tough economic times it is imperative to know, and understand why, your customers are, or are not, buying your services.
3 Strategies for Getting Frugal Consumers' to Buy
- Make it easy for your customers to find you and your services. With slow times, it’s a great time to update all of your marketing materials, especially your website and telephone systems.
- Once your customers have found you, make sure they can find the things they are looking for. Once on your website, is it easy for them to find the information they are looking for? If not, make it happen.
- Consumers have shaken confidence in the value of everything they are buying. Prices, both high and low, now more than ever seem disconnected from the services and goods. Gasoline is up $2 a gallon one month, down $2 a gallon the next? Items consumers bought today are priced 75%-85% less than six months ago? So, your customers are asking what really is the value of your services? If you’ve cut your prices so low in this recession, like the retailers who have marked down their merchandise by 85%, for example, how are you to convince your customers that you’re actually worth more? If you kept your prices fairly steady, but your competitors cut everyone’s throats, including their own, how do you convince your customers to retain you over the low-baller? With VALUE! It’s high time to get back to business basics and sell the value of your professional land surveyor services.
Eric D. Colburn, PLS, is a successful entrepreneur operating a professional land surveying company and several online websites and blogs. To learn more about Eric D. Colburn, PLS, and read other articles written by him, please click here for his professional land surveying blog at and here for his professional land surveying company at