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Welcome to Land Surveyors United Community Forum, your ultimate destination for all things related to the fascinating world of land surveying! Whether you're a seasoned surveyor with years of experience or just starting out in this dynamic field, our forum is here to connect you with a diverse community of professionals who share your passion for precision and accuracy.

Land Surveyor Forum CategoriesSURVEYING FIELD TIPS AND TRICKS: Discover invaluable insights, tips, and tricks from experienced surveyors that can help you navigate the challenges of the field with confidence.

LOCATION BASED SURVEYING PRACTICES: Explore discussions on the latest practices and techniques that cater to specific geographic locations, ensuring you stay up-to-date with region-specific surveying requirements.

SURVEYING DOCUMENTS: Access a treasure trove of surveying documents, including templates, forms, and standards that can streamline your workflow and enhance your documentation.

PROFESSIONAL ADVICE FOR NEW SURVEYORS: For those new to the profession, seek guidance and wisdom from seasoned surveyors who can provide invaluable advice to kickstart your career.   Also see the Mentorship Hub Forum.

LAND SURVEYING WEBSITES: Stay connected with the latest advancements and resources in the field through a curated list of relevant websites and online tools.

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SURVEYING BEST PRACTICES: Discuss and share the best practices that ensure precision, efficiency, and safety in the field, enhancing your skills and reputation.

SURVEYING EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE TALK: Stay informed about the latest surveying equipment and software, with reviews, recommendations, and troubleshooting discussions.

SURVEYING JOBS AND JOBLESS: Connect with fellow surveyors, explore job opportunities, and seek advice if you find yourself between jobs.  Also see the Surveying Jobs Hub

"THE CRAZIEST THING I EVER SAW WHILE SURVEYING": Share and listen to intriguing and entertaining stories from fellow surveyors about the wildest experiences they've had on the job.

LAND SURVEYING INDUSTRY TALK: Stay updated on industry trends, regulations, and innovations that are shaping the future of land surveying.

LAND SURVEYING JOBS: Discover and share job listings and opportunities in the land surveying industry, helping you advance your career.

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Whether you're seeking advice, sharing your expertise, or simply connecting with like-minded professionals, Land Surveyors United Community Forum is your hub for all things land surveying. Join us in these vibrant discussions, and let's navigate the world of surveying together!

Land Surveying Related Global

Survey Legend

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Land Surveyor Calculations: A Guide for Professionals

Ā  Land surveying is a vital task in the real estate and construction industries. Surveyors play an essential role in defining property boundaries, determining land areas, and calculating volumes with precision. Even the smallest miscalculation in surveying can result in costly legal issues or project delays, making accuracy and attention to detail paramount in the profession. In this article, we will explore some of the most common calculation errors that land surveyors must avoid. By stayingā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by Richard Pettey Jun 2, 2023
Views: 1175
Survey Legend

Surveyor Bookmarklets For On-The-Fly Posts to Community From Anywhere

Let's work smarter, not harder. How many of you have ever usedĀ  a bookmarklet? How can a Bookmarklet Be Helpful to a Land Surveyor? A bookmarklet is like a tiny wizard that lives in your browser's bookmarks bar and can magically transform any webpage with a single click. To add a bookmarklet, simply drag and drop it into your browser's bookmarks bar. Once it's there, you can summon its power by clicking on it while you're on any webpage. Voila! The bookmarklet will work its magic and doā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by Justin Farrow Mar 30, 2023
Views: 279
Not a Surveyor

Limited special review 1968

HiĀ I'm new to the site so hope I'm on the right forum for this type of question.I'm working on a legal case and wonder if anyone can help. During a Limited Special Review in 1970 in England the parish council trying to get the status of a way changed from a Rupp to a Boat filled out a standard questionnaire. On this questionnaire they stated that the recorded definitive width of a way has been incorrectly recorded on the original map and statement as an average of 4 feet and should have beenā€¦

2 Replies · Reply by Tim Lansdowne Mar 24, 2023
Views: 235

Attachment tripod screw size in Sokkisha TS20

Hi,Ā I've just bought an old Sokkisha TS20 theodolite, and I realize that the attachment screw size is not the usual 5/8", but much bigger, somewhere around 1 3/8" (I measured about 34 mm). Does anybody know if there's a tripod with that size of screw, or if adapters from 5/8" to 1 3/8" exist?Thanks to everyone.Attached I put 2 pictures.Mirko

0 Replies
Views: 362
Land Surveyor

What will be the best procedure to check column verticality

Ā I am on a job site where I am building a facility.I have to layout pile, anchor bolt and check the pipe rack column to see if is vertical.Is someone can tell me what will be the best procedure using Trimble Vx Robotic Total Station on the field to check column verticality and produce a QA/QC reportĀ  showing the deviation (mm)?I never done this before (producing a QA/QC reportĀ  showing the deviation or Tilt calculation) Is someone can help me on that?Thank's in advanceĀ Ā Ā 

3 Replies · Reply by Don Huston Jan 29, 2023
Views: 520

Community Related Forums

Land Surveyor

GNSS Level against Digital level

Hello everyone,Ā I am facing one issue with the leveling. I did long static GNSS observations (10+ hours) for some points spacing around 10 km. After post-processing and adjusting the network I had the MSL heights using EGM2008, I planned to do digital leveling between the points by starting from the first point and closing on the next one (~10 km). The Static accuracy forĀ Static (phase) with long observations is 3 mm + 0.1 ppm horizontal and 3.5 mm + 0.4 ppm vertical. I supposed the levelingā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by M.Mazen Albezreh Feb 24
Views: 39
Land Surveyor

Introducing myself to the community

I am Emmanuel Bayode. A highly skilled Surveying and Geoinformatics professional with over a decade of expertise in GIS, AutoCAD Civil 3D, and geospatial technologies. Adept at precise data collection, analysis, and execution of projects with meticulous attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Experienced in on-site survey management, research, and teaching. Happy to be part of the community.

0 Replies
Views: 27

Hello - new to Forum - PLSS bearings/distances

Hi - name is Andy, and whilst not (and never will be) a professional land surveyor, I have a significant interest in it, and strong background in maths / navigation / computing (e.g. programming and Excel).We have bought land in WA, near Oroville, on a HOA consisting of 20 acre lots.Ā  The HOA was set up in the 1990s, and the definitive boundaries etc are from PLSS Surveys in the 1990's.Ā  Ultimately my aim is to transfer the surveys, or at least the ability to for areas of interest, to KML /ā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by Justin Farrow Mar 4
Views: 57
Land Surveyor


If you enjoy the outdoors and beautiful country on the coast with redwood & fir forests, this could be a great opportunity for a young land surveyor or someone looking for a slower (perhaps semi-retired) way of life.Ā  The current practice is in Del Norte County, CA and Curry County, OR (based in Brookings, OR).Ā  The business primarily consists of boundary surveys with a variety of other requests.Ā  I'm getting old and feel I cannot continue much longer.Ā  I have an accumulation of equipment thatā€¦

1 Reply · Reply by Justin Farrow Oct 18, 2024
Views: 93

GNSS Receivers - Dual-frequency versus Multi Constellations

I currently use a Topcon GRS-1 which is Dual-frequency but, as it is older, only supports GPS and Glonass.Would a newer Single-frequency receiver that supports GPS, Glonass, Beidou, Galilleo and SBAS give me better results in the UK?eg: better chance of fixed solutions under tree canopy or close to buildings.Do any of you have experience of such a receiver?Ā  (eg: Trimble R1)A newer Dual-frequency model is beyond my finances at present.

2 Replies · Reply by GES Aug 16, 2024
Views: 121
Land Surveyor

Help with communication between a Leica TCRP1203 and an AllegroCX

Good day everyone. I recently started working for a small firm after a 6 1/2 year hiatus from surveying and I am currently doing things the old fashioned way by turning angles with an old Sokkia Set4 with nothing more than a field book as a data collector. Needless to say this is very tedious and time consuming and I was hoping someone here is willing to help me get the companies robotic station, that is collecting dust in the corner, up and running.As stated in the title, we have a Leicaā€¦

0 Replies
Views: 60