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Land Surveyor

Local Marketing for Land Surveyors

Yes, this article is kind of bragging. It's also trying to let those of you who are in the professional services business (like Engineers, Land Surveyors, Attorneys, Accountants, Home Builders, Business Consultants, etc) know that this online marketing method works.

The below image is a screen capture from Google from October 4th, 2013 which shows a Google search results page for "alta survey alabama." This is a very lucrative keyword, as you know. A typical ALTA survey will bring in anywhere fr

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Land Surveyor

I was reading the Blog entitled "New Article:  Why Public Records Matter:  The Hidden Value of Land Registry Systems"  and realized why many people may not understand land surveyors.  

It is because people are being misled as to the role and importance of the surveyor by people and companies that stand to make more profit without surveyors in the picture.  A medical doctor may joke and say "suture self", but a land surveyor who reads this blog may likewise say the same about

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Land Surveyor

Typical Surveyor's Report


Something Typical In Surveyor Reporting


I thought that some of you might gain some insight by examining a typical Surveyor's Report generated for a project I am working on.


I have altered the particulars so as to protect the innocent. This is a draft copy, I am still working on it.





Land Surveyor has been provided copies of several surveys of properties adjoining the subject tract as well as a copy of a survey performed on the subject tract. In this Land Surveyor’s opi

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Thank you Fellow Surveyors!

Thank you for making "6 Miles With Courage" a success.

Sales are brisk and the reviews have been spectacular. One surveyor writes, "I wish my wife had read your book 10 years ago! Ever since she finished it she has had a whole new level of respect for my job." She gets up with me in the morning and packs my lunch and sees my off. She never done that before!"

And another surveyor writes, "My son and I have become a lot closer since he finished your book."

and another, " Your book has a had a positiv

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Land Surveyor




“About Horses and Water”

Written by Penn Cheyning RPLS
(This story is completely fictional, any resemblance to actual events is purely a coincidence).

I received a phone call about a boundary dispute in an area of the city I know fairly well. I had not performed a survey in this particular subdivision but had surveyed other tracts of land in adjoining subdivisions many times. I was fairly certain it would not pose much of a challenge although the description was for a couple of Lots and a fr

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Land Surveyor


It is human nature to choose a course and then stick with it. Tenacity and staunch conviction are qualities we all admire and traditionally seek in those who are leaders in our society. However, professional land surveying is as much of a science as it is an art. Evaluating evidence and forming opinions are vital aspects in executing a proper survey.

Forming an opinion before the facts are known is the definition of a biased opinion and is the death knell for a professional surveyor's credibilit

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Survey Legend

When Do You Need a Survey?

1198857427?profile=originalAs we all know, there are times when the public needs a survey but is not aware that they need a survey.  I was thinking it might be time to compile a list of examples for when its time to call a qualified professional land surveyor.

You may need a professional land surveyor when...

..a property is divided into parcels for sale or development

..a property is to be sold, purchased or mortgaged

..a property improvements are planned or to be developed

.. government regulations require a survey and

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Spread Sheet for vertical curve and Super Elevation Distribution Method for Surveyors

Total files 7 at bottom of post. Download them and enjoy the work








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Land Surveyor

If life were perfect ...

"If life were perfect, we would all paint, we would all play an instrument, we would all dance. But because we know that life isn’t always perfect, we have to have dance, we have to have music, to remind us how good life can be." – Suzanne Farrell

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Views: 170
Thoughts: 3
GEO Ambassador

International Surveyors Week 2013 Has Begun

Professional Land Surveyors of the World UNITE!

As anticipated, the second annual International Surveyors Week begins now, once again uniting professional land surveyors on a global scale. During this week you will be accomplishing two important issues for land surveyors:

1) Educating the public regarding the importance of professional land surveyors to society and...

2) Cultivating a real global community for land surveyors to grow and thrive within. International Surveyors Week 2013 is an even

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The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based positioning system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the exact position of them. GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference te

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Views: 155
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1198857438?profile=originalThe Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based positioning system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the exact position of them. GPS receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time di

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Finally an Adventure novel featuring a Land Surveyor and his son. Check it out at Barnes and Nobel. E-book is out now and paper copy coming in weeks. A sequel is in the works. See also and a big thank you to all in the surveying community for supporting the book so far. Nothing but great reviews for "6 Miles With Courage"

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Views: 181
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GEO Ambassador

How to Fool a GPS

Paper maps are becoming obsolete.  A talk about the lack of accuracy in our GPS.  You will want to watch this video talk: Todd Humphreys: How to fool a GPS


seal.pngThis is why we ALL  NEED to participate in Survey Earth in a Day 2.0.  Only the members of this network have the capability of changing the state of GPS accuracy.

Less than 18 days until we measure the planet as a community during the course of a single day.  Get involved!

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GEO Ambassador

Survey Company Owners, Now Is Your Chance to Grow

There has never been a more exciting time for using web technology and the power of social media to boost your reputation and online presence.  You now have the ability to handle many of the tasks for marketing, managing and promoting your company, using free tools provided by Land Surveyors United.  Take a look at our suite of tools for you to use to promote and manage your surveying business, online.  We encourage your feedback and look forward

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GEO Ambassador

A 113 Year Old Land Surveyor, Laid to Rest

1198857485?profile=original(Japan) Tomoji Tanabe, the world's oldest man, died in his sleep at his home in southern Japan on Friday -- according to a city official said. He was 113. "He died peacefully. His family members were with him," said Junko Nakao, a city official in Miyakonojo on Japan's southern island of Kyushu. Tanabe died of heart failure, she said. Tanabe, who was born on Sept. 18, 1895, had eight children - five sons and three daughters. The former city land surveyor

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GEO Ambassador

FREE educational survey software by MicroSurvey


Did you know: MicroSurvey software is FREE for educational institutions? (for non-commercial use)

We are highly invested in the education of the next generation of surveyors, law enforcement specialists, and construction professionals.

We have given away over 10 million dollars in software licenses to over 150 educational institutions across the globe.

If you would like more information on how to obtain educational licenses of MicroSurvey software, please do not hes

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GEO Ambassador

1198857445?profile=originalYes you read that correctly.  Our newest partner, GIM International has extended a special offer exclusively to members of Land Surveyors United.   This means you will now be able to keep up with the latest news in international surveying and geomatics at no cost to you.


GIM International, the global magazine for geomatics, and related e-newsletter focuse on reporting the latest news and communicating new developments and applications in geomatics. GIM International addresses both technological

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