Party Chief


For those of you who are looking for land surveying jobs in the United States, I have spent my Saturday building something which will make your job hunt MUCH easier.  It was an idea that I had and could not rest until it was complete.  So here it gift to you, All available land surveying jobs broken down by state for all 50 states!

What is This I am Looking At?

What you are looking at is a proof of concept.  First, I have created a custom Yahoo pipe which pulls in queries from all of the job boards (including our own Surveying Jobs Board) across the web such as Dice, Flipdog, Monster, Indeed, Jobster, Yahoo, and more, then taken the RSS feeds from that combined search and mashed them into these modules which stay updated in real -time on the newest jobs from each state.   Now one any  given day, you can simply visit the page which corresponds with the state you are seeking employment and the most recent jobs will already be there for you to browse through.


What if I am Licensed in More than One State?

No Problem!  All 50 US States are present and in alphabetical order.  


Why did I do This?

I simply want to help all of our Unemployed Land Surveyors get back on their feet and the Job Search is becoming too time consuming and frustrating for many.   If you happen to find a job using this revolutionary new method I created, all I ask is that you make a donation to Land Surveyors United to help keep us running.  Yes, it was very time consuming to make but in the end, I think it will become a very valuable tool for land surveyors to use for years to come.  I have plans to soon add more countries and regions across the globe for our international members.  I may need a little help with translations, so if you're interested in volunteering, please drop me a comment below.

Now Go Find That Job!

Search for Land Surveying Jobs in All 50 States in US:

Surveying Jobs in US States starting with letters A-I
Surveying Jobs in US States starting with letters I-M
Surveying Jobs in US States starting with letters M-O
Surveying Jobs in US States starting with letters 0-W



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Party Chief

Justin Farrow... Creator of Land Surveyors United and Mobile Apps for Land Surveyors

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  • Party Chief

    I am actually in the process of revamping all four of those pages today and tomorrow.. so its not your computer its the actual pages being upgraded...thanks Stirling...should have them back up by wed.

  • Thank you for your work on the job search routine, Justin.  On my computer anyhow, the four links to jobs return a Google error 404.  Is it working for other folks?

  • Party Chief

    yu're welcome Gary....i hope our members get some use out of this..



    just added Asia     coming soon, South America and Europe!  Then Africa

    Surveying Jobs Asia - Land Surveyors United Network Information Hub
  • this is awesome Justin....Thank you
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