Other (115)
Accurate cadastral maps define legal repositories of land ownership, value and location by registering and representing land boundaries on a map. These cadastral maps can be further categorized in various aspects which is depends on the requirement or the purpose of the user. Infrastructure mapping is such instant. In this study building up aĀ public road cadastre systemĀ is discussed.
Public road network in
Multiple pages were filled with calculations and important drafting details in the architectural field. After CAD technology has been invented, Architectural CAD drafting technology has improved by leaps and bounds where bigger work systems replaced the smaller ones.Ā
The architecture, engineering and construction industry has a big influence from the digital drafting technology and has brought amazing results in the architectural drafting industry.Ā The constant demand in the architectural world
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Its been a long and interesting process, but I finally managed to get all 50 state-based social support groups up for the United States of America. The idea here is to create a place for every surveyor in the United States (and eventually the globe) to go and have all of their state based information all in one place-including the most up to date documents and events from their state board. And because state board websites
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Check out these highlights from Day 1 of this year's awesome event!!!
04:20 ā Michael Tartaglia, Technology Specialist and Sales Account Manager at Sitech Southwest & Chris Kellogg, Digital Construction Professional at Sitechā¦
Get ready to fill your NSPS Young Surveyors Network (YSN) ballot for new officers! How? Listen to this episode of "Surveyor Says! The NSPS Podcast" for a terrific conversation with the two candidates for Secretary, Stacy Pollock (Michigan) andā¦
Get ready to fill your NSPS Young Surveyors Network (YSN) ballot for new officers! How? Listen to this episode of "Surveyor Says! The NSPS Podcast" for a terrific conversation with the two candidates for Vice President, Farrah Etcheverryā¦
We love it when a plan comes together! The guys were joined this week by a gaggle of mapping professionals including our good friend Bill Swope - Technical Leader for Survey & Geospatial @ Halff, Scott Dunham - Geospatial Director @ā¦
Channel: Trent Keenan
In this Mentoring Mondays session, Jacob Heck, PLS, guides usā¦