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  • Survey Company Websites Survey Company Websites

    67 Site Owners

    Latest Activity: Oct 8, 2019

    Survey Company Websites Group is for sharing tips and tricks for building surveying company websites, learn search engine optimization and find support for your surveyor website.  If you need help with your website, follow…

  • Survey Earth in a Day Survey Earth in a Day

    29 Members

    Latest Activity: Jun 21, 2019

    3776798810?profile=original 9th Annual Worldwide Celebration of the Land Surveying Practice, Surveying Industry and Surveyor Culture!


  • Survey Equipment Repair Survey Equipment Repair

    48 Members

    Latest Activity: Aug 10, 2020

    Survey Equipment Repair Hub is a place to discuss problems with your surveying equipment which may require professional repair.  Posting a discussion in this hub will alert a certified technician who is authorized to make such repairs. …

  • Survey Stars Survey Stars

    12 Stars

    Latest Activity: Feb 11, 2019

    S.T.A.R.S. - Survey Tracking and Retrieval System or SURVEYSTARS.COM is the ultimate in survey business management software for successful and growing land survey…

  • Surveyor Publications Surveyor Publications

    10 Surveyor Publication Representatives

    Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2019

    Surveyor Publications Hub & Forum is for highlighting the latest stories and industry news in the surveying industry found in professional geospatial magazines.

  • Surveyors Online Toolbox Surveyors Online Toolbox

    92 Members

    Latest Activity: Sep 15, 2024

    Surveyors Online Toolbox will help you accomplish your online tasks with handy tools. In this group for conversion tools, sharing files and applications for the field.

  • Transportation Surveyors Transportation Surveyors

    6 Members

    Latest Activity: Dec 14, 2013

    Transportation Surveyors is a group hub for discussing and sharing all things related to transportation related surveying such as DOT and Highway Surveying

  • UAS / UAV Surveying UAS / UAV Surveying

    7 Members

    Latest Activity: Jan 13, 2014

    We have moved everything from this hub to the Drone Surveying Hub.  Please contribute your knowledge…

  • Virtual Geo Hangouts Virtual Geo Hangouts

    75 Event Planners and Attendees

    Latest Activity: Aug 23, 2020

    4571114878?profile=RESIZE_400x Virtual Geo Hangouts is a Virtual Events hub for Land Surveyors United members for sharing your LIVE and upcoming Webniars,


  • Welcome Surveyor! Welcome Surveyor!

    2562 Land Surveyors United Community Newcomers

    Latest Activity: Sep 2, 2023

    This is the Welcome Hub for Land Surveyors United!  Say Welcome. Introduce yourself to the surveyor…

Surveyor Knowledge Exchange

Find targeted help for Surveying Topics and Equipment

Find targeted help for any surveying topic by following the hubs dedicated to topics you are interested in.

Hubs and Forums for Land Surveying TopicsHubs (formerly Group Forums in the old site) have been added by members over the years on practically every Land Surveying Topic imaginable.  If you are looking for specific advice, simply ask your question inside the appropriate hub forum.  Every hub has followers who are interested in the topic.   You'll have greater success asking for targeted feedback by asking to the right audience.  

Members can also use various mobile apps inside the Surveyor App Suite to ask questions, share photos and videos and interact with Hubs from the field.Also check out our growing collection of Surveyor Crew Apps.

Hubs to Watch

Land Surveyor Support

Find Support for Survey Equipment and Software

Land Surveyor Support HubsHubs inside this module are for Land Surveyors who need help and support in some way.  If you are looking for Equipment Support, help finding employment in surveying, need help with your website or any other type of support a surveyor might need, you'll find helpful communities inside this set of hubs.

Location Based Hubs for Surveyors

Jump to Your Location Based Chapter

Location Based Chapter Hubs for Land SurveyorsLocation Based Chapter Hubs can be found within the tabs in this module.  First, find and select your region, then find the hub for your location and go there.  Next, look for the Follow button and press it.  You can now use the app to track discussions locally and share local stories, surveying experience, etc.  After you follow your Location's Hub, start discussions in the forum, share photos from the field and meet other surveyors in the area.  Use the mobile apps from the Surveyor App Suite to have quick access to your hubs from anywhere!

Note- most all countries and states already have a hub.  Let us know if you do not find your location and we'll add it for you!. 

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List your Land Surveying Company By Country or State

Be the first in your country to list a company and your listing is Free!

Africa Land Surveying Companies

Asia Land Surveying Companies

Europe Land Surveying Companies

North American Surveying Companies

United States Land Surveying Companies

South American Surveying Companies

Middle Eastern Surveying Companies

Oceania Land Surveying Companies

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