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Follow FEMA for Land Surveyors Hub

FEMA for Land SurveyorsĀ is a support group for land surveyors regarding the common services directly involving FEMA that land surveyors provide for clients. Ā These include LOMA, CLOMA, LOMR-F, CLOMR-F, etc

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Land Surveyor

FEMA implementing Floodplain Management Changes, Again

Bruce Barr, CFM shares some important information about the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization act of 2012 (BW-12) and about the history and future of the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) at the link below:Ā more information see the Wikipedia entryā€¦

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Methods for Determining BFE with a FIRM and FIS

Greetings.I'll start this by saying I am not posting this as a surveyor, but as a homeowner who happens to understand a thing or two about surveying.Ā  I am occasionally "just a surveyor" as my job requires it...but that's another story.My question/dilemma pertains to the LOMA process and how the BFE is determined for the EC.The property in question is shown in the 100-year FP on a FIRM.Ā  I have also tracked down the FIS with accompanying profiles and Floodway Data Tables.Ā  I have interpolated aā€¦

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Survey Legend

FEMA Update From PSLS January 2013

NSPSĀ and other members of the FEMA Floodmap Coalition met recently with FEMA officials to discuss actions FEMA is taking regarding rebuilding efforts in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut after Hurricane Sandy. While much of the discussion was about changes in flood insurance rates, FEMA officials also discussed new mapping processes in New York and New Jersey. Prior to Hurricane Sandy, FEMA was working on updating flood maps in New York and New Jersey. Those updated maps were set to beā€¦

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FEMA Land Surveyors Support Group

This group is for land surveyors who are involved or work with FEMA for support and social solution discussions.


 To receive NFIP e-mail updates

  • eLOMA - This time saving, user friendly web-based application will provide licensed land surveyors and professional engineers (Licensed Professionals) with a system to submit simple Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) requests to FEMA. This tool is designed to make a determination based on the information submitted by the Licensed Professional and allow them to generate a determination from FEMA in minutes, provided all pertinent data is on file and the request is not audited.
  • NFIP Elevation Certificate
Last Updated: 
08/22/2019 - 09:43

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