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3 New Mapping Platforms for Surveyors to Explore

1) The Land Information Explorer A new interactive map from non-profit Shared Assets can help you find out key information about any area of land in the UK. Land Explorer uses open data to provide information at the click of a mouse button about land ownership and current & potential land use. Land Explorer couldn't be easier to use. Just click on a location on the map and all the land information is automatically displayed in the map sidebar. As well as information from the Land Registry…

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Party Chief

Mapping Earth's Spoken Languages with LocalLingual

If you are a land surveyor who would either like to better communicate with  land surveyors from other countries, this map may make that a bit simpler for you. LocalLingual is a new global map which allows you to listen to how people speak around the world. Click on a country on the LocalLingual map and you can hear an audio recording of a local speaking the name of the country and the country's capital. You can even listen to a recording of the country's national anthem. LocalLingual is also…

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Party Chief

No Fly Drone Zones for Surveyors and Mappers

Many surveyors are experimenting with surveying using aerial drones these days, but we of course must be careful where we fly. Mapbox has published a No Fly Zones map compiled from Federal Aviation data as a starting point to building your own No Fly Zone map, which you can find here.. What are some of the resources you've found helpful for getting involved with UAV surveying? Share below please.

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Party Chief

Line of Sight Map

Line of Sight was another very popular interactive map this week which seemed to cover some familiar ground. There are already a number of maps which allow you to track the real-time position of satellites orbiting the Earth. However the futuristic design of Line of Sight seems to have a struck a popular chord. Enter your location into Line of Sight and you can view the current live position of satellites and their orbital tracks. Therefore you can use the map to find out which satellites…

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Party Chief

GIS and Mapping In Your Browser

There's a new tool worth checking out for GIS in your Browser.  Dropchop is a browser based GIS built with Mapbox and Turf.js. It allows you to perform quite sophisticated spatial queries on mapped data without a server and in your choice of internet browser. Dropchop allows you to upload data from your computer, from a URL or even from Overpass Turbo (OpenStreetMap POI's etc) and to perform quite sophisticated spatial queries. The best way to find out what is possible with Dropchop is to play…

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Helpful Links and Resources for Cartography

Cartography Highlights View a brief timeline that highlights the key points of cartography progress and development since ancient times. Map History Access a large online bank of cartography resources focused on old and out of print maps, along with articles on map collecting and much more. History of Cartography Learn about how maps and the science of cartography have changed from Babylonian times through the medieval era and all the way to the present day. Cartographic Terms Look up specific…

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Party Chief

Explore the Most Detailed Ecological Land Units Map in the World

Esri's New ecological land units world map is some piece of work! Dive into ... The Most Detailed Ecological Land Units Map in the World “This map provides, for the first time, a web-based, GIS-ready, global ecophysiographic data product for land managers, scientists, conservationists, planners, and the public to use for global and regional scale landscape analysis and accounting,” said Roger Sayre from the USGS. “The Global ELU map advances an objective, repeatable, ‘big data’ approach to the…

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Party Chief

Excel Application for Automatically Building Historical Geography GIS Maps

A Microsoft Excel Application for Automatically Building Historical Geography GIS Maps   Michael Polczynski, Mark Polczynski   Transactions in GIS, 17:1, 148-157, 2012 The ability to visualize location and time information on satellite-generated maps using geographic information systems (GIS) such as Google Earth has enabled researchers with limited mapping expertise to use GIS for a wide range of applications.  GIS holds special benefits for research in historical geography involving…

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Mapping Tutorials

Blue Marble GEOTalks® 2025 | Global Mapper & Geographic Calculator • Full GIS software conference
🤝 New course on how to process drone imagery in Global Mapper Pro #uavmapping
Stay laser-focused this World Lidar Day! #lidar
Patrick Cunningham's Opening Remarks | GEOTalks 2025
Explore our GIS software tools as we develop cutting-edge features and valuable resources for users
How To Perform a Point Conversion in Geographic Calculator Cloud | Ask The Experts
If you analyze terrain with Global Mapper, this video is for you! | Quick Tip #globalmapperquicktip
Identify the key points of a point cloud in a few easy steps with Global Mapper Pro 😎 #pointcloud

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